"we're not just trying to build cooperatives for cooperatives' sake. We're trying to build vehicles, very explicitly and very intentionally, of social transformation."
Nice Q&A with Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson.
@wingulls @neil @Matt_Noyes We're also doing an in-person #JacksonRising discussion on May 7 in #BTV!
@wingulls @neil What town is that? Great you are doing a study group -- please post here a summary or highlights of the discussion if you can. With the #jacksonrising handle.
We just finished a great discussion of #JacksonRising. Thanks all! @neil will post the notes on Loomio with a link here. We used #Riot.io for chat and etherpad (did not work for one person) and #Zoom for conference calling. Overall we were very impressed by the ambition and thoroughness of the strategy that #CooperationJackson organizers have mapped out. Click here to to join the working group to organize an online discussion with #cooperationjackson
The #ReadingGroup call is on! Feel free to join if you read #JacksonRising :)
Okay, starting in just under an hour -- the #socialcoop #readinggroup discussion of #JacksonRising.
Chat and Etherpad here: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#jacksonrising:matrix.org
Zoom meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/9598718901
(Thanks @neil for troubleshooting.)
"We are not looking to establish... a quaint little infrastructure that exists on the margins of the mainstream economy. Our aim [is] the development of a counterhegemonic, liberating economic and social infrastructure..."
#jacksonrising #readinggroup
"Women's leadership has to be centered, it is not enough to have us in the room.." - Sacajawea Hall
"Cooperative economics and labor self-management provide the members of the laboring classes who experience class exploitation and domination and non-class forms of oppression with practical economic tools to challenge the economic and political power of the economic and political elite."
@GuerillaOntologist I thought I saw an article floating around somewhere in the past few days about Akuno levying criticism of Mayor Lumumba. I'll see if I can dig it up, but I wonder if there's a strategic split akin the the #BernieSanders v. #MurrayBookchin feud in #BurlingtonVt in the 1980s? I'll see if I can dig up the article...
The next reading group online discussion will be on 22 April, 8pm (20h) UTC. Agenda and call details forthcoming. Feel free to join if you are available at that time.
#Readinggroup time poll on Loomio closes tomorrow -- last chance to vote for a meeting time for live discussion of #jacksonrising.
#Readinggroup members, don't forget to vote for the time for our online discussion of #jacksonrising: https://www.loomio.org/d/WIcFxQkz/jackson-rising-the-struggle-for-economic-democracy-and-black-self-determination-in-jackson-mississippi
@Matt_Noyes "The capitalist system is demonstrating ... that it no longer possesses the capacity to absorb dislocated and displaced populations into productive endeavors, & it is becoming harder and harder for the international ruling class to sustain the provision of material benefits that've traditionally been awarded to the most loyal subjects of capitalism’s global empire, namely the “native” white working classes of Western Europe & “whites” of the settler-colonial projects." #jacksonrising
Reading group suggestion: choose one line from the first chapter Build and Fight, paste it in a reply here with a comment on why you chose it.
#readinggroup #jacksonrising
Reading group members -- please check out the time poll for our online discussion of #JacksonRising. If you are not in the reading group, feel free to join us!
#readinggroup #socialcoop
At the #labornotes conference, Kali Akuno of #CooperationJackson told me they would be happy to join a phone/video conference discussion with us about #JacksonRising. I think we should do this after our first online discussion.