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A Fediverse instance for people interested in cooperative and collective projects. If you are interested in joining our community, please apply at

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We just sent out a newsletter with a bunch of stories from the cooperative ecosystem that caught our attention—find the web version here:

Mentioned in it: @fontstand @limeleaf @101lab @GenoDigital @Greenheart @demnext @bocoup @hostsharing @subvertworld @workers_coop @tazgetroete and more

The photo is from a documentary about the Liberated Broom cooperative, also linked in the newsletter.

"It is important that we not collapse these differences even while recognizing a set of shared structural forces and logics. This is especially important as non-profits themselves are vulnerable to these structural forces. For example, non-profit organizations continue to feel impacts of the recession in both the increased demands for basic social services as well as the shrinking of government and foundation funding and individual donations. Many small organizations made up of poor and working-class members have dissolved or folded into larger non-profits. A lack of funding has led such groups to give up vital infrastructure and compensated staff positions, but the work continues through volunteer labor, in members' homes or donated space."

— Incite! Women of Color Against Violence: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded, pp. xviii-xix

If non-profits are to serve as a tool for liberation and reconstruction, then they need their own productive forces to call upon for fueling their efforts. Subjugation to capital, be it directly through philanthropic foundations, indirectly through (capitalist) government funding, or even tortuously through individual donors --themselves dependent upon exchanging their labor to capital for the money they donate-- necessarily clips the non-profit's wings. It is always contorting itself upon the whims of capital. Perhaps a partnership between non-profits and co-ops, both worker owned and operated, could serve to foster such a development of productive forces beyond --or at least less hindered by-- the antagonistic ruling capitalist class's reach. In this model, non-profits could serve as a stabilizing foundation upon which less certain co-operative proletarian endeavors could build.

The most communist FOSS company

「 Igalia is an open-source consultancy with Spain headquarters focusing on browsers, "client-side web technologies, " and much more. They're the company contracted to work on Servo, the open-source independent browser engine after Mozilla dropped it. So far so good. The company was founded in 2001, and now employs 140 people in 25 countries; they are a pretty big player in the open-source space 」

LibreNews · The most communist FOSS companyLet's immediately acknowledge that the title is lighthearted, and that "communist company" is an oxymoron. The better choice would've been, "which is the most worker-owned, egalitarian, power-structures-free cooperative?", which SEO experts told me was too long of a title. With that said, let me tell you about Igalia and other

Proposta: invece di creare la versione EU di Silicon Valley usiamo questo momento di risveglio digitale per creare una stack tecnologico distribuito e resiliente.

Invece di basare il progresso sulla concorrenza basiamo il progresso tecnologico sulla cooperazione.

Questo distruggerebbe l'egemonia tecnologica USA, perche queste tecnologie verrebbero adottate anche dai paesi dell'Africa, dall'America del sud e tanti altri.

#UK - Supermarket chain to bring in Aldi price match across 2,400 stores

> Co-op is matching #Aldi prices on over 100 everyday essentials, marking the largest price-match initiative of its kind in UK convenience stores.

> Co-op managing director Matt Hood said: “I am very clear that, in this current economic climate, price is most often the deciding food shopping factor for our members and customers. #coop #economy

The Independent · Supermarket chain to bring in Aldi price match across 2,400 storesBy Josie Clarke
Cooperatives de TreballResponsable de comunicació, xarxes socials i estratègia de comunitatFuncions del lloc de treball:● Dissenyar, analitzar, implementar i revisar l’estratègia de comunitat i xarxes socials del mitjà. Elaboració d’un pla de comunicació i comunitat per a Crític.● Gestionar les xarxes socials i canals de difusió del mitjà: Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Spotify, Twitter, BlueSky, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, canald e WhatsApp. Disseny gràfic d’elements de difusió per a xarxes socials● Edició de reels i vídeos dels pòdcasts produïts per Crític. Elaboració de vídeos per a xarxes socials a partir de reportatges elaborats de Crític. Realització d’elements d’àudio pels pòdcast de Crític.● Comunicació i dinamització de l’estratègia de comunitat.○ Recerca de sortejos i promocions i elaboració de newsletters específiques per a subscriptores.○ Organització i producció d’esdeveniments presencials o virtuals per afavorir la implicació i participació de la comunitat. Executar les accions de 1comunicació externa dels esdeveniments: actes, presentacions de revistes, cursos de formació...○ Executar les accions de comunicació de les campanyes màrqueting digital pensades per a la captació de nous subscripcions i la venda dels productes que ofereix Crític, així com les campanyes de telemàrqueting.○ Formar part i participar activament en les reunions d’equip de Crític i de la comissió de Comunitat de la cooperativa.Perfil de la persona candidata:● Experiència professional en màrqueting i comunicació digital● Domini d’eines de gestió de xarxes i comunicació: Tweetdeck/Hootsuite, Metricool, Meta Business, Photopea, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, etc● Domini d’eines d’edició gràfica i audiovisual i capacitat per produir vídeos curts per a xarxes socials● Coneixement de l’actualitat política i social i del sector de l’economia social i solidària● Domini del català i castellà.● Experiència en producció i gestió de projectes● Autonomia, capacitat d’adaptació, empatia i habilitats interpersonalsEs valorarà:● Capacitat organitzativa, proactiva i de planificació.● Flexibilitat i agilitat per a gestionar de forma executiva les xarxes socials del mitjà de comunicació.● Habilitats per treballar en equip.● Motivació en formar part d’un projecte cooperatiu i de l’economia social i solidàriaCondicions:Jornada i contracte:● Contracte laboral de jornada completa (37,5 hores setmanals) amb període de prova d’un mes.● Remuneració segons conveni de la premsa diària.Lloc de treball i horari: ● Oficina de CRÍTIC: C/Casp, 43 Baixos (Barcelona)● Jornada partida de matí i tarda, segons necessitats de producció del mitjà● Possibilitat de teletreballar fins a un màxim de dues jornades laborals setmanals.Data prevista d’incorporació: Primera quinzena de maig de 2025Presentació de candidatura:Enviar la següent informació a posant “Oferta comunicació i xarxes” en l’assumpte del correu.● Curriculum vitae● Carta de motivacióData límit de presentació de candidatures: 4 d’abril de 2025.A partir del 5 d’abril es valoraran les candidatures i es contactarà amb les persones preseleccionades per fer una entrevista personalitzada. La data d’incorporació prevista és la primera quinzena de maig. 

Finally joined Karma Co-op for groceries. What with US tariff threats, Loblaws greedflation, and environmental concerns, it’s great to have an alternative.

Really like the amount of Ontario produce, plus the zero waste focus: items like vinegar, olive oil, and detergent can be bought in bulk and put in re-useable bottles.

Located near Bloor & Bathurst in Toronto.

Do you know of any self-organized, bottom-up, locally-rooted educational organizations?

I am asking this because I am talking intensely with @ceci about ideas and dreams we have for our home city, #Sanremo, Italy.

We are both coming to the conclusion that an autonomous, independent, cooperative, critical, and deeply rooted university is one of the very very few projects that could give young people in the area a real chance not to emigrate.

As we are also both deeply in love with fringe academia, it would also be the only reason for us to somehow maintain a bond with our homeland.

Please, boost and share this, and send us any kind of suggestions! We particularly welcome Italian initiatives.

A cooperative organization isn't a panacea. American cooperatives are filled with members who've compartmentalized coop method within their dominant paradigm of neoliberalism, short-sighted, self-seeking, self-serving, hyper-individualistic, class competitive and capable of predating upon their own.

REI Punished Unionized Workers in Berkeley by Holding Back Raises, Labor Board Alleges
#Culture #Politics #Coop #Economics #Cooperative #EconomicJustice

KQED · REI Punished Unionized Workers in Berkeley by Holding Back Raises, Labor Board AllegesBy Farida Jhabvala Romero