As @CaitlinWaddick writes here:
We in the #SocialCoop Finance Working Group feel strongly that it is time to build out a serious Legal Working Group. This has been an ongoing discussion, but we need support on:
- Incorporation
- International membership
- Liability protections
- Emerging regs on social media
And this doesn't fall under the banner of any existing working group.
It would be ideal to have a working group composed of both professional lawyers and non-lawyers with an interest in relevant issues. We don't want an overly professionalized entity, but one that is above all accountable to our shared values.
Like the other WGs, stipends should be paid to participants.
Who might be open to taking the lead on forming a living Legal Working Group? The commitment might look like quarterly meetings plus being responsive to questions from other working groups.
People who have in the past expressed interest include: @beckett @mako @dazinism @sam @Matt_Noyes @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni
@coopartisans @FreeScholar @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith
Can you help? Maybe start by organizing an initial meeting?
Thank you!
@ntnsndr @beckett @mako @dazinism @sam @Matt_Noyes @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni @coopartisans @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith
Better late than never... I am working on this in a larger way - anyone want to help?
Working to launch this in January leading with some local stuff that has larger footprint outside Boston and has some people involved in this already. The goal is to have several dedicated chat rooms for discussions and document editing together,
@FreeScholar I'm coming in late here. I do not understand the project based on the weblink. There is information about the platform but not about the topic in particular. Is this about one-click co-ops? I'm not keen on that idea. Is this about changing co-op laws? That's my bag. Sorry for misinterpreting.
@ntnsndr @mako @dazinism @sam @Matt_Noyes @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni @coopartisans @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith
@beckett @FreeScholar @ntnsndr @mako @dazinism @sam @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni @coopartisans @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith I took it to be about a tool moderators and others might use for chat and coordination?
@Matt_Noyes @beckett @ntnsndr @mako @dazinism @sam @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni @coopartisans @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith
Could we narrow down best times to meet here -
note - the set up is now called corruption-disruption but it can be a template start for us to make our own coop document library and rename it.
@FreeScholar I have to pass for now. I'm just overloaded. Please keep me in the loop, though. @Matt_Noyes @ntnsndr @mako @dazinism @sam @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni @coopartisans @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith
@beckett @FreeScholar @ntnsndr @mako @dazinism @sam @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni @coopartisans @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith Hi all, am I right that crab fit does not specify dates? Not sure how to fill it in.
@Matt_Noyes @beckett @ntnsndr @mako @dazinism @sam @Eliot_L @dmokreis @GiacomoSansoni @coopartisans @toddxy @JosephAndriano @BillySmith
The current poll is setup to determine the popular days of the wbestek and time of day, not the actual dates. Using it to get and idea of good days/times when most people might be available. It's an ongoing thermometer.