I took the following AI in the OC meeting: "start a thread or book a meeting to discuss next steps in the messaging space per-WG and cross-WG".
@edumerco @edsu @sam @Matt_Noyes I think you are interested in this topic :) would you like to start by discussing here? I can also start a time slot picking process to meet and discuss synchronously.
Also, anyone else that you think would be interested?
@edsu @flancian @edumerco @sam @Matt_Noyes @mako @ntnsndr @dazinism
Quite possibly. Note: if you could use @dynamic@hub.netzgemeinde.eu to tag me in the future, I'll see stuff sooner...
Hi and thank you all, yes I am interested. :)
As noted before, an important aspect to consider is defining if this is just for WG coordination or it is going to be a service to our community.
Also, of course we all have our preferences, but I would go for to consent, as consensus is the perfect solution, if only we had infinite time. ;)
@dynamic @edsu @flancian @sam @Matt_Noyes @mako @ntnsndr @dazinism @dynamic@hub.netzgemeinde.eu
@edumerco @dynamic @edsu @flancian @Matt_Noyes @mako @ntnsndr @dazinism @dynamic@hub.netzgemeinde.eu if we're doing this async, is this something we could use the alpha bonfire instance for? We were talking about using that for the CWG the other day, so the discussion on how we're going to discuss things async going forward might actually be a good test case, even before the final version is ready. Just a thought, and only if we decide to start discussing async, no pressure.
@sam @edumerco @dynamic @flancian @Matt_Noyes @mako @ntnsndr @dazinism @dynamic@hub.netzgemeinde.eu the last time I tried our bonfire instance it was painfully slow
@edsu @edumerco @dynamic @flancian @Matt_Noyes @mako @ntnsndr @dazinism @dynamic@hub.netzgemeinde.eu yah, me too. I dunno if that's a bonfire problem or just that it's an experiment that we're not dedicating expensive resources to though?
@sam @edumerco @dynamic @flancian @Matt_Noyes @mako @ntnsndr @dazinism @dynamic@hub.netzgemeinde.eu I tried it somewhere else where it was super slow too, which is weird because I thought Elixir had an edge on Ruby performance wise. Maybe that was similarly under resourced though...