Installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits

Installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits
@blogoklahoma We're so cooked. Being almost last in education is quite literally killing us.
#education #EducationMatters #educational #educationsecurity #educationalopportunities #educationequity #AttackonEducation #EducationForAll #publichealthmastodon #publichealth #publichealthimportance #publichealthwarning #publichealthalert #publichealthemergency #publichealthmonitoring #publichealththreat #publichealthmisinformation #publichealthisapublicgood #publichealthrisks #publichealthcrisis
3/n Especially #kids intuitively understood complex #molecular relationships & had a lot of fun #playing with colorful #protein, #DNA & #RNA #structures making our #AR tool a valuable #educational companion.
#MINT #STEM #school #education #OpenSource #chem #bioinformatics #CompChem #AugmentedReality
Here’s your friendly reminder that #charterschools came about as a white reaction to #desegregation, which tells you all you need to know about the intended beneficiaries of #SchoolVouchers. But if there’s no #departmentofeducation there’s no one to ensure #IDEA and other #civilrights are being enforced in your new for-profit “#schools. Neither will there be a nonprofit group collecting #data to track #educational outcomes for #students attending for-profit schools.
This was a really good primer on the different types of fascisms happening at the moment.
Share widely.
“The Labour government is now coming for SEND children, too”
by HG in The Canary @thecanaryuk @UKLabour
@guardian @Independent @thetimes
“The Labour government have launched attacks on children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and people with mental health diagnoses”
Owls of Vancouver Island
Owls of Vancouver Island is a HyperCard stack that teaches the user about owl species that are native to the Vancouver Island region.
#macgarden #educational #1988 #daviddenning #davidfraser #drarfontaine #ibissoftware #paulforage
Get your learning on and take part in this lesson, online or in person, to educate yourself on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. I'm sure this will be super engaging!
#Triangleshirtwaistfire #educational
What Photographers Need to Know About Tonight’s Total Lunar Eclipse #totallunareclipse #tipsandtricks #lunareclipse #Educational #nightscape #landscape #nightsky #eclipse #space #News #Tips #moon #sky
"Chinese and Indigenous communities have shared histories. We faced hardships together while mining for gold in the British Columbia gold rush and experiencing the rugged Canadian weather and terrain.
There are many graves on First Nations territories when Chinese people died from the flu and from the building of the railway, crushed by landslides, collapsing tunnels and premature blastings (Mittelstedt, 2014). The First Nations communities took in the Chinese railroad workers and care for their grave sites to this day (Mittelstedt, 2014). We enjoyed economic success and partnerships that were respectful and mutually beneficial (Ma, 2012). Chinese people leased lands (on First Nations) to farm and then hired Indigenous people to help farm the land (Mathur et al., 2011, p. 74). The Chinese built elaborate gold-mining operations among First Nations communities and perhaps most importantly our communities intermingled and there were many marriages between Chinese men and Indigenous women. In 1891, 98% of Chinese people in Canada lived in British Columbia (Barman, 2013, p. 1), which explains why there are such intimate ties between Chinese people and our First Nations communities in British Columbia. Unsurprisingly, one in six Chinese men created a family with a local Indigenous woman (Barman, 2013, p. 1)."
Bitcoin is in the news again, following a recent Executive Order about a national reserve of Bitcoin being established. If you're curious or confused about #Bitcoin, #cryptocurrencies, or #blockchain technology in general, feel free to drop a comment and I'll do my best to help out!
As a software developer I've been active in the cryptocurrency space since 2012, and have done several #educational presentations on it to local groups, so I have some deep experience with it I'd be happy to share.
a friend of mine asked me to spread about this #educational #freesoftware project for #drone controlling -
That is why, on this day, we want to share with you two special readings for us.
"El territorio imaginado" (The Imagined Territory), a story written by our beloved teacher from Apulo, Osmany Sabalza, which invites us to reflect on our own diversity and how we can learn from our differences.
El Territorio Imaginado (The Imagined Territory):
Slight diversion from the main topic but I want to call out the book Neurotribes. Great #educational piece that might help you talk sense to and #educate your persuadeable friends,neighbors & colleagues on #neurodiversity
#authorians hate educated #voters. #Study #teach #vote & take back the #USA from the #idiocracy
EDIT: I failed to add the link on the first post, now corrected.
Where do you guys publish your #videos if you (surely!) don't want them on #youtube ?
What are the #alternative platforms (not just frontends) to share #educational content for my #school ?
I have a #synology , can I maybe host them myself?
Thank you!