"With Gentle Affect - Surviving Trauma"
Written with gentle affect and love for all:
Words can be a powerful thing. Sometimes we may say something unintentionally that can open the wounds of another. The range of emotion conjured, may sometimes be manifest in response. Sometimes it's an acquired instinct.
In a world that has become so full of hate, there are many that have survived great trauma. Words that may seem innocent, can be like thrusting the sharpest of double-edged swords, slashing open the heart's healing scars. Sometimes, if one pokes the hive, the bee is likely to sting out of instinctual self-preservation. It's important to be mindful of others we encounter. Only they may know know the shadows that haunt within them.
Being an advocate is not an easy task. You're basically telling people what they may do is not right but, without advocacy, where does #change lie? Taking the brunt and standing firm for others that may not have the strength? If one day it may help to prevent others with invisible disabilities from being subjected, how can I remain silent.
With that said, the last time I checked, I'm human too. I have a brain, a heart and everything. I also don't harbor bitterness or resentment... It messes up the atmosphere inside.[]
"If one breaks one's leg, they may have trouble walking, patience and understanding is key. The same is true for the brain": @OutOfExile_IDR
Today's installment was going to be about the brain and spelling. There's link to an interesting article below. I always welcome kind correction and thoughtful constructive feedback.
Don't Foster misconceptions.
What goes wrong in the brain when someone can't spell: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160202185457.htm
Image by German Artist "finemayer".
Buy finemayer a cup?:
#Sensitivity #disability #TBI #InvisibleDisabilities #trauma #pain C-#PTSD #ActuallyAutisic #DisabilitySolidarity #equality
#accommodation #understanding
#disagreement #PeaceMaking
#communication #resolution #peace #consideration #coexist #healing #MentalHealth #patience
(Migrated reboot originally posted Dec 15, 2022)