Masanobu Fukuoka: The Divine Unity of Nature
Group think is bad. DEI leads to better decisions because you have more diverse thinking.
Enlightenment is understanding the true nature of everything. When you understand your connected to everything, your actions will be informed by compassion. #zen #zenmaster #dharma #buddhism #philosophy #compassion #enlightenment
"A great philosopher said that an unexamined life is not worth living. It is equally true that an unlived life is not worth examining."
-- Swami Beyondananda
Feb. 19, 2025
Your Daily Laughsitive From Swami Beyondananda
There is nothing quite like giving your undivided attention to someone or something to the exclusion of all else.
Rishi Dass
Live a less, but better life.
Hot take: Game development prior to LLMs has primarily focused its efforts towards perfecting militaristic genres because physics simulation is the peak capability of mathematical compute that overlaps with human psychological enjoyment. From 2025 on, top tier games will be split between militaristic and social simulator genres, because LLMs make social compute competitively fun and engaging.
If gods exist outside time and we are creating timeless intelligence, are we resurrecting old deities, or merely becoming them?
#dreams #surrealism #digitalArt #photography #lucidloom #monochrome #noire #philosophy #mythology #psychology #esotericism
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. #stoicism #life #philosophy
in the seemingly endless list of utopias that i have compiled - the only response I can have finally, because of how much i do not want to live in any of them is to suggest that the notion of “utopia,” be universally replaced by Samuel Butler’s “Erewhon,” a term that refers simultaneously to “No-where” and “Now-here.” #philosophy
I think that after work I will reread Bruno Latours excellent essay "Why has critique run out of steam. If you ever use any type of language or terms connected to postmodernism, then you probably should do that as well:
#Philosophy is not the search for truth, it is to identify the saturation of a lie, the ingredients, the preservatives and the expiration date.
@mrundkvist ...are you sure? From what I understand, they have argued against universal "truths", but not against facts as such.
But then again, I am not a philosopher by training. #philosophy
The Dream of Reality: Heinz Von Foerster's Constructivism, Second Edition by Lynn Segal, 2001
What if there were no objective facts, no objective truth, no objectivity at all, only our belief in them? What if our consciousness itself is an unconscious invention, constructed out of logic and language?
Free speech has no intrinsic value. Instead it's value lies in its ability to produce accurate representations of the world. This leads to better results for rational actors. If one wants to maximize utility or good results, one probably wants to maximize free speech as well. Maximizing free speech require: equal means for communication (including rules/protocols and noise filtering) plus mechanisms for protection and boosting of minority voices.
An ethicist explains how the Good Samaritan parable isn't just about helping others - it reveals a radical vision of #love that challenges how we think about ethics and human connection.
the agile way (Lao Tzu Refactored) by Peter Merel is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $19.95; get it for $9.98 with this coupon: #Agile #Engineering #BusinessAndManagement #Philosophy #Poetry #SystemsEngineering #HumanitiesHistory
"scratch the #cellphone #smartphone like a #chicken" (new kind of #drug) #simplify #simplelife absolut #buddhist #genius #thailand #lol #funny #philosophy
This retreat provides an accessible, structured entry way into Buddhist philosophy and powerful examples of how that philosophy can be put into practice in our daily lives.
#ContemplatingReality #buddhism #AndyKarr #Philosophy