Class Struggle Is Renters Overpowering Landlords
Hashtags: #DemocraticSocialism #WorkingClass #DonaldTrump #ClassStruggle #KarlMarx #TenantsUnion #RentStrike #Authentic #Photography
Attention Democratic Socialists, Social Democrats, and all other reformist socialists:
Capitalists will not give up their power voluntarily. Capitalism will not be abolished peacefully. The working class must remove capitalists from power and abolished capitalism by force.
it's really interesting to speculate about things like this, especially in times like these. #StarTrek #Economics #PostCapitalism #DemocraticSocialism #ScienceFiction #SciFi
Earth's Economy in Star Trek EXPLAINED
"The magazine’s distinctive illustrations, when Conroy and Hagglund could afford to print them, were key to both its regional aesthetics and democratic socialist philosophy. Nearly all illustrations are linoleum block prints and depict workers in an asymmetrical, primitivist style. One image from the May-June 1940 issue of New Anvil, John C. Rogers’s Working Class Mother, portrays a simply clothed woman standing arms akimbo on a country hill, her back turned to the viewer as she looks proudly at a sun either rising or setting. As in Conroy’s vivid description of his printer’s “cowbarn sanctum,” Rogers depicts the rural environment of the magazine’s imagined reader with respect but little romanticism. Ideologically, it signals a departure from the conventions dominant in Marxist aesthetics during the early 1930s. Instead of replicating socialist realism and representing the world revolution with depictions of workers united in victory or heading into battle, Working Class Mother equivocates on the state of socialism in the rural United States. It is unclear whether the sun in the illustration is rising, suggesting the coming revolution, or setting on a passing opportunity, perhaps registering that the anti-capitalist potential of the Depression decade was on the wane."
I know people are feeling like things are hopeless but what we need to do is organize. I joined my local #DSA chapter and will be attending events!
#BERNIESANDERS WAS RIGHT! We need to clap back! Plz share! #democracy #democraticsocialism #fascism #Oligarchy
Does anyone know of an example of a country that has privatized government services that is currently working out well? Likewise, are there opposite examples where privatization has been tried and failed miserably? I need examples to read up on to help me make my argument against privatization hit home when talking with my siblings and their in-laws.
About 6-7 years ago I stopped identifying as a Democrat (for obvious reasons) and Bernie Sanders gets credit for introducing me to the term Democratic Socialist. From there, I continued learning. In the last year or two I've come out as simply a Socialist.
I recognize many others are on that path as well. I would like to say to them:
The reason the word Democrat is so commonly put in front of Socialist is because of internalized fear mongering and misinformation regarding what Socialism is. It takes time to un-learn the cold war propaganda. It feels safer to take baby steps. That's valid. People still respond in unpredictable ways, socially, when they hear the S word. But give it a try. Seek out information, question your own beliefs.
"Did US sanctions cause the issues in Cuba, and blame it on Socialism? Why does National Socialism use that word even if it's not Socialism?" Is a good place to start.
Ditching the D word in front of the S word is a little scary at first, but it's liberating to break free from the angry mob's expectations as puppeteered by US Imperialism.
Interesting conversation with #AOC and #DSA on, y'know... everything! #USPol #DemocraticSocialism #NYCDSA
“Solidarity Is the Only Thing That Can Save Us”
Without cultivating a strong sense of solidarity with mass numbers of people we’ll never meet, we’re doomed to slip further into atomized isolation and defeat.
#USA #DemocraticParty #DemocraticSocialism: "[L]ooking back a decade, it’s worth asking: How many of the fundamental 2010s problems — the ones that launched Occupy and fueled Bernie in the first place — have been addressed by today’s Democrats?
Here I mean the Big Things: universal health care, the power of capital over labor, class dealignment, the crimes of US foreign policy. How much progress have we made on these? The child tax credit and more money for green infrastructure are wonderful little wins, but are they really building a bridge to social democracy, much less democratic socialism? If I sound sour, it’s because I worry that some of our best young people have been bought cheap."
Patients and employers accuse not-for-profit Indiana hospital of price gouging | Indiana | The Guardian
I'm trying out this mastodon server to see if it will become my new main account (transitioning over from )
I mostly post on these topics: #Peace #Bicycle #Oklahoma #DemocraticSocialism #Photos #Art #HumanisticJudaism #Judaism
I also maintain an account that focuses on Jewish issues at:
Status of DSA National Endorsement for Rep. @AOC
The @DemSocialists have withdrawn their endorsement of @RepAOC for the 2024 election. Read the full statement:
#DSA #2024Election #AOC #DemocraticSocialism
Hi all, let me offer a yet newer #introduction. I've reactivated my account here on (@mjb) as a backup to my current primary account on (@mjbrown).
A long, but well thought-out strategic document for a global and regional ecosocialist transition by Brazilian ecosocialist Sabrina Fernandes
An Ecosocialist Strategy to Win the Future
#socialmovements #organizing #socioecologicaltransformation #democraticsocialism #climatejustice #climatechange #ecosocialism @xrglobal
On Democratic Socialism & Capitalist Elections | "The Tragic Events in Chile" (1973) by Enver Hoxha
#socialism #socialist #democraticsocialism #dsa #chile #allende #hoxha #albania #antirevisionism #marxism #marxist #communism #communist #antiimperialism