„Endless Stairs“ (2011)
Photo Dietmar Bachmann
Sellin (Rügen), Germany
Leica M9
Summarit-M 90mm ƒ/2.5
While I thought that
I was learning how to love
I have been learning
How to achieve inner peace
" While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die'. Leonardo da Vinci
Railway worker uncovers 150 years of family history linked to the rail industry http://dlvr.it/TJpNcH #heritage #People #RailNews #TrainOperatingCompanies
Hey #Köln, nächste Woche komme ich dich besuchen >>
Ich freue mich riesig über die EInladung zum #workshop bei https://wisskomm.social/@codeandcontext/114229463687074713 und werde am Samstag 5.4. mit dem Rundfunkorchestra im Kunstwerk ein Set spielen. Woohoo! Danke an @dlikdh für die Organisation des Events!
Welche Plätze, Orte, Menschen in der Stadt und Umgebung sollte ich nicht verpassen zu besuchen? Ich freue mich über alle #arts #electronics #sounds #diy #people #places #empfehlungen!
People Are Stealing From Whole Foods, Amazon to Get Back at Jeff Bezos https://www.byteseu.com/870633/ #amazon #Bezos #billionaire #business #carson #case #company #friend #item #JeffBezos #Lee #people #story #WholeFoods #worker #World
I was invited to Kolu village on last #weekend to carry out a #leathercraft #course . Met very #nice #crafty #people and had a #wonderful #sunny #day . We worked on #card #wallet s - #handcarved and #handstitched of course!
Thank you for having me! It was so nice to meet you!
„Friends“ (2024)
Photo Dietmar Bachmann
Liestal, Switzerland
Sony α1 II
Zeiss Batis 2/40 CF
I wrote a brief piece on how the Fediverse helped me discover new and unusual concepts that reignited my enthusiasm for writing through tech minimalism.
Kudos to @HailsandAles and @denis; without you, this could happen, but not this fast
Poisoned legacy of Albania’s steel city | News https://www.byteseu.com/868204/ #Albania #elbasan #environment #EnvironmentalIssues #EuropeanAntiFraudOffice #HumanImpactOnTheEnvironment #NaturalEnvironment #partners/afp #people #Pollution #Waste
Poisoned legacy of Albania’s steel city | National News https://www.byteseu.com/867563/ #Albania #elbasan #environment #EnvironmentalIssues #EuropeanAntiFraudOffice #HumanImpactOnTheEnvironment #NaturalEnvironment #partners/afp #people #Pollution #Waste
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth Needs a To-Do List For Japan https://www.byteseu.com/867542/ #DefensePolicyReviewInitiative #GrantNewsham #Japan #JapanSelfDefenseForce #JapanUsAlliance #JapanUsSecurityTreaty #NanseiShoto #Okinawa #People'sLiberationArmy #PeteHegseth #Politics&Security #SecretaryOfDefense #senkaku #taiwan
Poisoned legacy of Albania’s steel city | National News https://www.byteseu.com/867225/ #Albania #elbasan #environment #EnvironmentalIssues #EuropeanAntiFraudOffice #HumanImpactOnTheEnvironment #NaturalEnvironment #partners/afp #people #Pollution #Waste