Absolutely support strange women lying in ponds distributing stuff, but what if we just gave everyone ploughshares? #UBI #ParticipatoryBudgeting
Absolutely support strange women lying in ponds distributing stuff, but what if we just gave everyone ploughshares? #UBI #ParticipatoryBudgeting
#Jamaica’s Coalition for Forests urges government to prioritise #ForestConservation in budgets, partner with civil society to deliver national priorities, and embrace #ParticipatoryBudgeting #Caribbean #forests
@lzg This is a fabulous idea for #ParticipatoryBudgeting #PB. In NYC, a PB idea has to be a capital budget item and cost over $20,000. A capital budget item must last 5 years. Somehow laptops are pitched as lasting 5 years but also require laptop carts. For 100K you supply bikes to every kid in the school and they last way longer than 5 years and be handed down.
NYC Participatory Voting for Improvement Projects
How would you spend $1 million in your neighborhood?
The better question is how would you allocate $1million between city agencies? And the big question is and will not be answered: What happens if we don't vote for fixing potholes on Broadway? Does DOT just do that as part of its regular street milling schedule?
Last night my middle schooler and I attended the PB10 (participatory budgeting) results party at #CambridgeMA City Hall. It's hard to imagine a more fun, feel-good municipal budget event! Results are now up at https://pb.cambridgema.gov , but here are the eight projects (out of 20 candidates), funded to a total of over US$2M, in order of most to least votes:
Voter tallies were substantially higher than in last PB cycle, which I reckon is mainly due to setting up polling stations at every middle school in the city (any resident who's in 6th grade, or at least 12 years old, is eligible to vote).
The party featured pizza and salad from All Star Pizza Bar, and dessert from Insomnia Cookies (with #vegan and GF options from both)!
A city counselor and I even spent a few minutes practicing some of the dance moves for the community theater show we're both in this weekend (http://familyopera.org).
A+, would vote again.
Is anyone at #Socialism2023 in #Chicago? The in-person speaker schedule looked great. I wasn’t as inspired by the virtual conference program, but I’ll take another look: it starts tomorrow. More #socialists are considering “non-reformist reforms”, such as #PublicBanking and #ParticipatoryBudgeting and even —gasp! — #Cooperatives. Cheers to the #SolidarityEconomy and all the ways we can do #PeopleCare and #FutureCare and #EarthCare. #Love #BoundlessRegenerativeCulture #permaculture
RT @GEO_Collective: Two good things that go great together: #Sociocracy and #ParticipatoryBudgeting!
Good morning!
We've been chosen as 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲/𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺
32 platforms were evaluated by a committee of civic tech experts and included inputs from over 400 users
Thanks to the good people of People Powered: Global Hub for Participatory Democracy for this great ranking
#ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryBudgeting, #CitizensAssemblies #Floss
Lerner points to other cities like Paris, where participatory budgeting has radically shifted its budget priorities: “New York’s program is really the exception, not the norm, from an international perspective and I think it’s holding possibilities back.”
How Cities Use Participatory Budgeting To Build Place
"Participatory budgeting models have the power to bring a wider array of stakeholders into the governance process. But cities are learning that there are some pitfalls."
I printed out this snippet of Ariel Aberg-Riger's budget explainer when I started as an analyst [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-25/how-to-understand-your-city-budget].
Today it's got me thinking about creative ways to grow the accessibility & engagement of our budget story.
I’m inspired by Kenneth Mejia's LA campaign graphics, the #SolidarityBudget in Seattle, and Mural Arts Philadelphia's “A People’s Budget” project.
What #ParticipatoryBudgeting examples should I read up on? Particularly interested in #PublicAdmin implementations.
I'm already enjoying Mastodon as an interesting space for social science academic debates. But how good is it for dissemination? I have seen several @politicaltheory @politicalscience researchers with interest in #deliberation and #participatory #democracy. Would you be interested in a comprehensive case-study-based review of #ParticipatoryBudgeting in #Poland, one of the countries with the largest number of #PB in the World? tinyurl.com/msf4daba
Things I tend to micro-blog about, or boost:
Marcel & Malvin below in the Edinburgh autumn
Calling #NewYork folks! It's #ParticipatoryBudgeting time in #NYC, and there's a submission about setting up programs in public #libraries to lend CO2 monitors.
Everyone should be able to measure and improve their #IndoorAirQuality, and libraries are great venues because they already support #HealthLiteracy #LibraryOfThings #CitizenScience.
Please add a supportive comment to this proposal ASAP (deadline is unclear but maybe Thursday): http://ideas.pbnyc.org/place/664422
An just in case you don't think it's possible to do things like #ParticipatoryBudgeting and #DeliberativeDemocracy on a mass scale, may I suggest you go and read/ watch/ listen to everything you can find about Taiwan's Digital Minister @audreyt@twitter.com: prepare to be inspired & amazed!
This is a poor take, but will hopefully increase donations to @FareShareUK@twitter.com. We already have a tax system. Problem is we don't decide about how taxes are spent (eg on #hungry #children instead of contracts to Tory donors). We need #ParticipatoryBudgeting on a massive scale.
Hey @ClaudiaChwalisz@twitter.com @ICesnulaityte@twitter.com @participedia@twitter.com @participatory@twitter.com @UKPBNetwork@twitter.com @PBProject@twitter.com @involveUK@twitter.com @sharedfuturecic@twitter.com @SortitionNow@twitter.com what are the best blogs for up to date info about #delibwave #delibtech #demopart #participatorybudgeting #citizensassemblies etc? Thanks! :)
RT @Rships_Project@twitter.com
We can build a more #RelationshipCentred #democracy through stronger citizen-state relationships, taking inspiration from #CivicLabs like @everyone_org@twitter.com , #ParticipatoryBudgeting such as @PB_NYC@twitter.com and participatory forums like @involveUK@twitter.com 's #CitizenAssemblies. #RelationalLondon
: https://twitter.com/Rships_Project/status/1237104398288875520
Helsinki city is conducting a large #ParticipatoryBudgeting exercise called OmaStadi.
a game is used to facilitate discussion and decision making (see 'Material Bank'):
Both #Enspiral and #Outlandish practice #ParticipatoryBudgeting using the #CoBudget platform developed by Enspiral member greaterThan: