New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
The #iPhone 16E #naming #scheme
#AILaughs #AIGeneratedJokes #VisitNow #AIJokes #DailyJokes

New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
The #iPhone 16E #naming #scheme
#AILaughs #AIGeneratedJokes #VisitNow #AIJokes #DailyJokes
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#AIGeneratedJokes #FunnyNews #AIHumor #AIJokes #ComedyGold
Want american Democrats to ACTUALLY DO something already?
(Update: )
Consider Direct Action instead!
But as well as that, we *do* need a non-corrupt (yet! there's always time, ofc) replacement party that is ACTUALLY left-wing.
Tea Party and MAGA supporters did it. Don't follow their strategies completely, but DO LEARN FROM them.
We all deserve better -- even the Leopards Eating People's Faces party.
How many of them would have supported having their faces eaten if they KNEW it wasn't hyperbole or something?
Or if they took time to imagine and plan for the risks: their or loved ones' faces being eaten by leopards?
Now we just need a name and bunch of furries to advise how to protect our information technologies.
@swacknificent @TCatInReality @StillIRise1963
Prompt and Push. No one more than anyone. Punch Fascists. Tolerate No Intolerance. Ideal Outcomes.
These all feel like mottos or mission statements more than names, but eh. Hopefully this inspires someone. -- oh my god:
Varied Mountain Climbers?
"Everyone climbs the mountain in their own way."
After the (I wanna say Hong Kong?) Protests,
back when Blizzard censored an eSports player for mentioning or holding a flag or something?
(Or maybe enlightened leftists, for a laugh based on enlightened centrists.)
The insights, guidelines & suggestions Lisa Merriam makes in her guide to naming are valuable for whatever marketing endeavour you’re engaging in, not just naming. We review #MerriamsGuidetoNaming:
#GulfOfMexico or #GulfOfAmerica? Competitive renaming of seawater is actually already a thing in #geopolitics: See Arabian / #PersianGulf, #SeaOfJapan / #EastSea, #SouthChinaSea / #WestPhilippineSea. But it implies the country doing the renaming feels threatened by equal or more powerful neighbor.
#geography #hydrology #maritime #nautical #ocean #toponymy #placenames #naming @geography @geopolitics
#Question: Will the sexual urge disappear when we refuse to name it?
#Krishnamurti: I am afraid the question needs considerable explanation. It arises, apparently, from what we discussed yesterday evening. Now, the process of #naming, #terming, is quite a complex problem, and we must go into it very carefully and precisely; that is, we must understand the process of consciousness. I am sorry that in this question, though it is very simply put, a great deal is involved; and if I answer it too directly and briefly, those who were not at the discussion yesterday may misunderstand. So, I must go into it carefully, explaining the whole issue,
Now, what do we mean by consciousness? I am not asking this question irrelevantly. It is directly connected with the question itself. What do we mean by consciousness? Consciousness, surely, is challenge and response, which is experiencing. That is the beginning of consciousness - challenge, response, and experiencing. The experience is named, termed, given a label as pleasant or unpleasant, and then it is recorded, put away in the mind. So, consciousness is a process of experiencing, naming and recording. Though complex, it is very simple. Please don't needlessly complicate it. Without the three processes at work, which are really a unitary process experiencing, naming or terming and recording, pigeonholing, putting experience away in the framework of memory - , without this process, there is no consciousness. Now, this process is going on all the time, instantaneously, at different levels, and that is what you call consciousness. The song is repeated in different moods, with different themes, profoundly, in the deep layers of the unconscious, or superficially, on the surface of consciousness, in our everyday life; but it is always the same process of challenge and response, experiencing, naming or terming, and recording or memory. This is the theme, this is the record that is being played. Now, what would happen if the middle process, which is naming or terming, were not done, if the middle process were put an end to? Why do we term, why do we give a name to a feeling or to an experience calling it pleasant or unpleasant, anger, violence, good, bad, and so on? Why do we term an experience?
Please, to some of you all this may appear to be technical. It is not technical. It is very simple, though it demands a little concentration. Most of us are used to political lectures, being told what to do or what to think, and we may find it difficult to pursue, evenly, easily, a thought of this kind; but as this is not a political lecture, we will have to be a little concentrated.
So, consciousness is a process of experiencing, naming, and recording; and why is it that we give a name to an experience, to a feeling? We give it a name, either to communicate it to another; or else to fix it in memory, which is to give it continuity,. If there is no continuity, then mind is not, consciousness is not. I must give continuity to an experience, otherwise consciousness ceases. Therefore, I must give it a name. The giving of a name to a feeling, to an experience, is instantaneous; because the mind, which is the record-keeper, memory, labels a feeling in order to give it substance, in order to give it continuity, in order to be able to examine it - which means the continuation of thought. After all, the thinker is the thought; and without the process of thought, without giving continuity to the process of thought, there is no permanency for the thinker. So, naming a feeling, an experience, gives permanency to the thinker, to the record-keeper, which is the mind. That is, you give a name to a feeling, to an experience, and thereby give it continuity; and upon this, the mind feeds and feels itself to be existent. Take any experience, any feeling or sensation that you have - anger, hatred, love; by giving it a name, you have stabilized it, you have put it within the framework of reference. So, the very nature of terming an experience is the giving of continuity to consciousness, to the `I'. This process is going on all the time, so swiftly that we are unconscious of it. This record is being played ceaselessly at different levels, in different themes, with different words, whether waking or sleeping.
Now, what happens if you don't term, if you don't give a name to an experience? If you are not naming the various sensations, if you have no background, where is the `you'? That is, when it is not named, the feeling or the experience withers away, it has no continuity. Experiment with yourself, and you will see. If you have a very strong feeling of nationalism, what happens? You give it a name, the thought arises of idealism, love, `my country; that is, you term it and thereby give it a continuity. It is very difficult not to term it, because the process of naming a feeling is so automatic, so instantaneous. But suppose you do not name a feeling, what happens to that feeling? Surely, the record-keeper cannot identify himself with that feeling. He does not give it substance, he does not give it strength, he does not give it vitality. Therefore, it withers away. The next time you are feeling the sensation which you term irritation, don't give it a name. Don't say, `I am irritated', don't term it, and see what happens. You will discover an extraordinary thing happening. The mind is bewildered, because the mind dislikes to be in a state of uncertainty. Then bewilderment becomes more important than the feeling, and the feeling is forgotten and bewilderment remains. But the mind does not like to be bewildered, puzzled; therefore, it demands security, and it seeks security, certainty, in the record, in memory, thereby strengthening the record-keeper.
It is really quite fascinating, if you observe the process of your own consciousness. But you cannot learn all this in a book. No book can teach it, and what a book teaches is not worthwhile. You can only repeat what a book teaches; but if you experiment and discover for yourself, then you are both the teacher and the pupil, and you no longer want the gurus, the books, and all the rest of it. Then you know how to tackle the problem, any problem that arises, for yourself, because you are both the teacher and the pupil, you know the ways of the working of your own consciousness. You discover that in not terming a sensation, in not giving it a name, that feeling, that sensation comes to an end.
And now you will say `I have learned a very good trick. I know how to deal with unpleasant feelings, how to make them come to an end quickly: I won't term them'. But will you do the same with regard to pleasant feelings? I am afraid you won't. Because, you want pleasant feelings to continue, you want to give substance to pleasant sensations, you want to maintain them. Therefore, you will keep on giving them names. But that does not lead anywhere; because, the moment you give a name, a term, to a feeling which is pleasant, you are inevitably creating the opposite, and therefore you will always have the conflict of the opposites. Whereas, if you don't name, term, label, a sensation, whether pleasant or unpleasant, they both wither away; and therefore the thinker, who is the creator of the opposites, comes to an end. Then only shall we know what love is, because love is not a sensation. You can name it, but when you name it, you are naming the sensation of love, which is not love. When you love somebody, what happens? When you think about a person, what happens? You are really dealing with the sensation of that person; you are concerned with that sensation, and the more you give emphasis to sensation the less there is of love.
Now, the question is, "will the sexual urge disappear when we refuse to name it?" It will disappear, obviously; but if you don't understand the whole process of consciousness, as I have carefully explained, merely putting an end to a particular urge, pleasant or unpleasant, does not bring about that eternal quality of love. Without love, merely putting an end to an urge has no meaning, and you will become as dry as the idealist whose passions are very carefully held in check. Because, if you do not understand the whole process of consciousness, the passions are always there, though you refuse to name them. To understand the whole process, is very arduous. You may have understood the verbal expressions of what I have explained, but the living significance, the inward meaning, you will understand only through experimentation. As I have said, where there is love, there is chastity. But the man, the idealist who is passionate and wants to be chaste, who wants to become dispassionate - such a man will never know love, because he is only concerned with becoming something, which is another form of selfishness. He is only concerned with his struggle to achieve, to reach the ideal, which is non-existent. Therefore such a man has an empty heart, and he fills his empty heart with the things made by the mind. And how can he know love, when his heart is filled with the ideal, which is a thing made by the mind?
So, it is a very complex and subtle problem, this question of terming, giving a name; but you will understand it if you experiment with it. There are enormous riches, an enormous depth, in understanding this process of terming, naming a feeling a sensation. Once you open the door to it, you will discover vast riches; but to discover, there must be freedom to experiment, and freedom comes through virtue - not in becoming virtuous, but in being virtuous.
I wanna set up my own mastodon server using @gotosocial and am wondering what sub domain to use. Halp?
Mild repeated annoyance with #linuxmint (though I still use and love it): Every time I download updated software (i.e., not using APT) I see this.
Which fucking version? I end up searching which command to find this out on my computer, then I always have to do a SECOND search because, due to not living Ubuntu 24/7 I have no fucking clue which numerical version "Jammy" is.
Can we just agree to use ONE version system? Names or numbers, people. Pick! And if you can't do that, it doesn't seem too much to ask that you ALWAYS put both in any document ever. EVER.
Choosing the right download version costs me 5-10 minutes of my life every. damn. time.
#rant over.
To get away from CAs (#certificateAuthorities) i think web servers and sites ought have a list of other sites that they can vouch for, to bujild a Web Of Vouched Encryption And Names (WOVEAN), and then ppl can, as they type a name, see their WOVEAN address book in real time and see the sites that were used to vouch for the name and public key.
So if my website links to a page then the public key of the site, in beech32 format (the format used by i2p) goes into a list for vouching. The more I use links to a site the stronger the "vouch" for that site.
i suspect that every site will have on average 200-400 sites that they'd vouch for, with 150 of those being strong "vouches" but a fediverse server might end up with tens of thousands of weak "vouches". A fedizen who wants to visit might just be able to ask and fediserver for all names that start with "po".... if that would result in too big a list then the fediserver can refuse and the fedizen can ask for all results starting with "pos", an extra letter etc. this continues until a mapping of names to B32s can be provided.
this sort of thing might work as part of an addon that i've been proposing to help fedizens crowd serve fediverse media over i2p. Media that they as INDIVIDUALS like and share, or (for improved #search) an INDIVIDUAL FEDIZEN might even share all posts that they can see, which use a #hashtag that they as an INDIVIDUAL have used. This proposed addon i have previously called #DCN (DeCentralized Network), which is ITSELF a tongue-in-cheek rebuttal of the oft-centralized #CDNs.
i2p has a weird and annoying quirk that has made it technically totally possible for the #nameservers to claim a "subdomain" of a site, eg. betty in betty.postal.i2p belongs to a completely different entity to postal.i2p.... but for what i propose, if a browser WANTS to know what the B32 of betty.postal.i2p is then it would HAVE to ask postal.i2p. and it should be possible for a subdomain to have the same public key as the toplevel domain (currently i2p address books dont allow this, which is sort of dumb to me).
really this system could work like the pet naming scheme from @cwebber et al
does this sound compelling? really I don't think i'm outlining anything new here, ive just come up with an acronym, WOVEAN, which might help make the concept more palatable to the average non-techie,,,,
Eg. "Is your site #wovean?"
and i'm combining this with an addon proposal with overlapping functions.
a negative is it may add to the amount of responsibility that webmasters/servers have, but not for i2p natives, as most people who share links in i2p will often share them alongside the b32 link. We WILL however want the webserver to be able to detect when it is sharing a WOVEAN link, so that it might AUTOMATICALLY(?) go into the sites address list? The browser addon would detect that a site is WOVEAN from info in the html head, and ask the viewer if they would like to "Fetch the WOVEAN addresses"?
(If you dont interact I'll recommend to folks not to tag you, in subsequent resposes.)
#encryption #naming #dns #mitm #infosec #sociology @gabriel @nimda @silverpill @fedilist @p @r
Naming, hashtag, trending… Gero eta joera handiagoa daukagu atzerriko maileguak erabiltzeko, baita komunikazioan ere. Gaur konpromiso bat hartu nahi dugu Euskararen Eguna baliatuz. Euskal izenak lehenitsiko ditugu.
#𝙄𝙕𝙀𝙉𝘿𝘼𝙏𝙕𝙀 [ #𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 ]
I am building this library at work and decided to name it IVAR. Colleagues are like “oh that’s nice, Vikings, master of strategy blah blah”. I just named it after cheapest and crude yet perfectly functional Ikea library as that’s what it is… #ikea #library #programming #naming
Question bête, je me suis demandé quand est-ce qu'il est préférable d'utiliser "get" ou "fetch" dans le #naming de fonction :
#African #Cosmology & #Planetary Alignment: Dr Zulumathabo Zulu
❛❛ a #naming #ceremony … if there are alignments, or even a #conjunction of #planets … a full moon … then they will show the #baby the full moon ❜❜ 2023 Jan 01 ce … #NamingCeremony … #FullMoon
At a recent conference ("Fans in the Theatre?") at the University of Cologne, I met some great people doing work on fan history and gave a talk on my latest research on pre-fan terms, titled "Devotees, Fanciers, Hunters, and Maniacs: The Onomastics of 19th-Century Enthusiasm." More to come.... #fanstudies #fanhistory #onomastics #naming #UniversityofCologne
Little IT naming protip: Do not use relative project version names like "next", "tng", "legacy", "old". It _will_ eventually confuse people as newcomers won't know if "`old` was before `next`, but that was also before `classic`". It _will_ eventually lose meaning as you release `next-next` and `next-next-next`.
Do use absolute project version names. 1, 2, 3, ... At best irrespective to what new-ism marketing department came with. They want project rebrand? Fine, but we're now on Foo-4.3. So the next one will be Bar-5.0.
#KnowledgeByte: The naming of #AstronomicalObjects is a complex and fascinating process, governed by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Here's a brief overview of the #Naming #Conventions for various types of objects.
Australia's semantic struggles over a "one and only" reality or a pluriverse?
From the 'heart of darkness' to the “sanitised” articles of sub/urban place names.
"Some (Wikipedia) editors told us they felt it was their responsibility to include First Nations’ perspectives, even though they met with heavy resistance. One, Lucas, had repeatedly tried to include First Nations place names, often unsuccessfully. He no longer edits Wikipedia. “I just ran out of energy for it”...One or two editors “were going around removing Aboriginal place names from all the articles about Australia and Australian places”.
#wikipedia #SettlerSociety #Australia #SocialImaginary #ImaginedCommunity #fiction #violence #FirstNations #TruthTelling #naming #IndigenousKnowledge #pluriverse #EditWars #WorldMaking #EpistemicInjustice #language #framing #worldviews #AI