Bridging Labour Gaps and Creating Opportunities, Finland #business #careers #Finland #IOMFinland #IOMNordics #LabourMobility #migrant #migrants #Opportunities
Bridging Labour Gaps and Creating Opportunities, Finland #business #careers #Finland #IOMFinland #IOMNordics #LabourMobility #migrant #migrants #Opportunities
Um #Mannheim wird es irgendwie stiller, oder? Jedenfalls #politisch ist man schon zum nächsten Thema weitergegangen.
Die #Staatsanwaltschaft sagt, entscheidend ist, was der #Nazi konkret mit seiner Tat bezwecken wollte - da sei kein politischer Hintergrund festzustellen.
Ist es ein #Migrant #Asylant, sieht die Politik es aber anders, alle (!) #AfD #CDU #CSU #SPD #Grüne fordern dann härtere #Abschiebungen und #Grenzen dicht.
Suche nach dem #Täterprofil - ZDFheute
Elon has issues. #ChildSupport #Migrant #Parasite #Deadbeat #WorldsRichestMan #MyFannyAunt it is PUTIN Who owns Trump 2025 #Today #News #ElonMusk #Wealth #Worsens{Poverty) #Sunday #Welfare #Children #Exploitation #UNHRC
Kommentar von Kristian Meyer. In der Hamburger Morgenpost.
New server, new #introduction!
My name is Seth, I am a #migrant from the #US to #Germany and am a #cybersecurity manager, having been in #IT for 10 years and #security for 5.
My interests are #politics and #CurrentEvents (with a CW), #history, #art, #books, #scifi, #nature, #science, and #technology.
I am a diehard #leftie #communist / #Marxist / #socialist and will always fight for #humanrights and #workersrights. I'm very boring and boost more than I post.
"California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, is advising clinics to post information about patients’ right to remain silent and to provide patients with contact information for legal-aid groups...His office directs that while staff should not physically obstruct immigration agents, they are under no obligation to assist with an arrest."
Double standards: Gen X + older folk on #socialmedia reminiscing about a scene from a #kids book where a #sweet shop owner (an old white man) is selling bags of sweets (with way more sugar than is allowed today) to kids.
Same shop also sold #tobacco (and didn't always care how old you were!)
But folk went apeshit when #BritishAsian folk took over these shops, and similarly at the sweets + #vape shops run by #migrant staff in 21st century towns..
Und ja, das Problem sind #Milliardäre die #Arme gegen #Migrant*innen und #Marginalisierte aufhetzen, damit #Arbeiter*innen nicht merken wer diese unten hält!
Proud and excited to have launched a new legal briefing from Lawmanity "Ending Destitution in Scotland - A Roadmap for Policymakers"
The report sets out clear, actionable steps that Scottish Government and local authorities can take to tackle the harm and #destitution imposed on #migrant and #NRPF communities by the UK Government's hostile environment policies, and make #Scotland fairer, and more equal, for everyone.
Read the report here:
Map of #populationdecline in #Europe with and without #immigration and a warning about how much #health and #social #care across the continent is dependent on #migrant #workers
More #migrant #workers claim #UK farm #exploitation
Nearly 700 foreign seasonal agricultural labourers complained to the Worker Support Centre (WSC) charity in 2024 they were being treated unfairly by farmers who had brought them over to work, compared to just over 400 in 2023.
Ms Casimiro is currently taking the company to an employment tribunal over claims of unfair dismissal, discrimination and underpayment of wages, and now campaigns for better protection for seasonal farm workers.
In an initial ruling, the Home Office found there were reasonable grounds to believe that Ms Casimiro could have been a victim of modern slavery.
One man, from Kyrgyzstan, who worked on different farms in England and Scotland on and off over three years, told the WSC he had been expected to live in poor conditions, been discriminated against and been unfairly dismissed.
The worker, who wanted to remain anonymous to protect future job opportunities, told the BBC through a translator that he felt standards had got worse over that time and farm employers did not care about workers' wellbeing, or level of pay.
#ClassWar #WorkersRights
We attended a Raid Response Training this past week - to act as observers of immigration raids and document actions of ICE that might help the case for migrants. Though the organizers hoped for 150 volunteers to register, 1,800 signed up. One of those who attended had driven 3 hours from rural SW MN: A dairy farmer, he wanted to know how to protect his workers....
#Immigrant Rights Group Challangine Trump's #NeoFascistCoup , #Migrant Flights to #Guantanamo and More
#Pope rebukes #Trump administration over #migrant #deportations, and appears to take direct aim at #Vance.
#Catholicism #Christianity #faith #authenticity #compassion #HumanDignity
… einen Teil meines Vermögens herauszubekommen. Es sind nun Aussichten dazu nah. Aber das alles hilft für den Augenblick nicht.” Mehr zu seiner Zeit im belgischen Exil: Die Briefe Februar 1842 bis Dezember 1851 finden sich hier:
#marx #karlmarx #migrant #brüssel #wissenschaft #prekariat #daskapital
"So instead of saying #NonCitizen or #migrant, they're supposed to say #alien. Instead of saying #integration, they're supposed to say #assimilation, things like that. And this particular worker described it as the most #1984 thing that they've ever gotten. And this is happening all across the #government"
#Orwellian #Fahrenheit451 #Dystopia #RayBradbury #NeoMarcarthyism #ideology #repression #newspeak #FreedomOfSpeech #ThoughtControl #Censorship #HUAC #GreatPurge #BookBurning #Wiping #Digital #Enshittification #NineteenEightyFour #BrainRot
#WhatNext | "Why #Trump ’s #DataPurge is a Digital Book Burning"
Wir haben ein #Migrationsproblem!
ABER: Es ist nicht der #Migrant bzw. #Flüchtling, der Probleme macht! Die Flüchtlinge sind ungleichmäßig verteilt. Das stellt die betroffenen Kommunen vor große Probleme. Finanzielle Probleme, mit denen der Bund die Kommunen zumeist allein lässt. Denn die Migranten müssen untergebracht werden... Die Liste lässt sich fortsetzen.
Der Staat versagt und um davon abzulenken, braucht man einen Sündenbock.