**Human migration from the Levant and Arabia into Yemen since Last Glacial Maximum**
_“Our results paint a picture of Yemen being in a crossroads, marked by the large-scale baseline genetic diversity that largely evolved many millennia. Yemen witnessed an initial gene flow pattern defined by the more ancient markers from the rest of the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant that started as early as the Epipaleolithic period followed by population isolation and limited expansion. Yemen witnessed additional, but less substantial, flow from southwest Asia, Jordan and Syria through the Nabateans during the active incense trade between the Levant and Yemen, from Arabia during the Islamic Expansion, and a subsequent one from the west and southwest dominated by East Africa.”_
Henschel, A., Saif-Ali, R., Al-Habori, M. et al. Human migration from the Levant and Arabia into Yemen since Last Glacial Maximum. Sci Rep 14, 31704 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-81615-4.
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