So, what's happening here . . this page at Grant for the Web
mentions @FreeScholar @disco_coop @lynnfoster @ntnsndr @datatitian georgia bullen (simply secure/ daniel harris (
What's this Web Monetization thing? And why is it OK, when oligarch-centralist monetization has wrought so much havoc on the web? Do tell . .
@mike_hales @FreeScholar @disco_coop @lynnfoster @ntnsndr
>And why is it OK, when oligarch-centralist monetization has wrought so much havoc on the web
That's precisely why we're interested in Web Monetization - it's a decentralized system that eliminates the middlemen, allowing consumers to pay Web content creators directly.
No capitalists taking a cut of the earnings.
No capitalists wielding the power of their platform to dictate what & how creators produce.