Happy and healthy societies invest in their people.
Food, healthcare, housing, and education are all investments, not costs. How come so many people fail to understand that?
Happy and healthy societies invest in their people.
Food, healthcare, housing, and education are all investments, not costs. How come so many people fail to understand that?
#coding --> #socialcoding
#community --> #movement
#users --> #fedizens
#technosphere --> #sociosphere
#fediverse --> #peopleverse
#foss --> #soss
#socialmedia --> #socialnetworking
#socialgraph --> #socialfabric
#techstack --> #socialstack
#app --> #solution #service
#product --> #socialexperience
#dx #ux #ui --> #sx
#project --> #fsdl
#projects --> #ecosystem
#development --> #cocreation
#forge --> #forging
#contributor --> #peer
#contributing --> #peerproduction
I'd like to take 2 seconds this morning and thank all the #commons janitors who do the ungrateful and unseen work of trying to increase #fedi's #cohesion and #culture.
#Janitors are #People who find it important to connect people. They spread bits of #information they find to other people for whom it may be useful. Usually in hopes that #attraction occurs between formerly unrelated parties, such as #stimulating a #collaboration between #fediverse projects.
Janitors *weave* #SocialFabric..
For example you think you are drowsily on morning coffee, sending off a fleety thought to the #fedi. Something witty and random.
Depending on your interwovenness in the #SocialFabric and how that msg reverberates, the equivalent social context may be:
You shouting that thought in a rowdy bar, with some friends and many strangers.
You shouting that thought from a shoebox on Trafalgar Square.
You shouting that in any random context where your msg lands.
@KaradelaMarck @emilymbender @alex Dear #ScientificAmerican,
Going forward, can we please favor the phrase #SocialFabric over the politicized phrase #WelfareState in our discussions of the harms #ArtificialIntelligence (AI) is causing and will continue to cause.
- A reader who gets lit up by the amount of favorable framing sociopathic #TechBros get in media for their dystopian hobbies.
#BrokenTaillight #racism is #redlined into the #socialfabric: It’s common, though misguided, for US leaders to brush aside comparisons to famously #multimodal cities like Copenhagen and Berlin, insisting that #American #autocentrism is too deeply ingrained to be dislodged. But it’s much harder to dismiss the stunning progress in the European Union’s host #city.
#carfree #beyondEV #subsistence #SelfSufficient
A Belgian Lesson in Taming the Automobile https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-05-16/from-traffic-choked-brussels-a-model-for-driving-less
Ravelry is a free website for knitters, crocheters, and fiber artists. https://www.ravelry.com (h/t @ckrub) #knitting #crochet #socialfabric #makermovement
@humanetech I was hoping that "Social Cloud" could be a thing, I like #SocialFabric as well.
Been saying for a while that there's too much technobabble in this space, and what we need now is more clarity.