Dimanche / Le Lieu Unique / En stock :
Guy Debord, Commentaires sur La Société du spectacle, Éditions Gérard Lebovici - Champ Libre, 1989.
#vintagebooks #books #bookstore #secondhandbooks #livresdoccasion #livres #bouquiniste #vinylcollection #vinyls #recordstore #disquaire #lelieuunique #nantes
Consumerism, Control, and the Spectacle: Guy Debord's Critique
#Consumerism #Control, and #TheSpectacle #SpectacleSociety #GuyDebord #Situationist #Election2024 #2024Election #Fascism #MAGA #RealityTV
Che differenza c'è tra #mastodon e gli altri #socialmedia? La società dello spettacolo di #GuyDebord a 30 anni dalla morte - Rai Teche https://www.teche.rai.it/2017/12/la-societa-dello-spettacolo-guy-debord/
Alain Deneault: en guerre contre la médiocratie | #AuPoste
A la sempiternelle question, Que faire?, le philosophe répond: «Faire que! Faire mal. Mal faire les choses, ne pas suivre les conseils…
A retrouver sur https://www.auposte.fr/alain-deneault-en-guerre-contre-la-mediocratie/
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"In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation."
#GuyDebord, 1967
@LALegault @freakazoid
this sounds like a pre-#guydebord fantasy. But I feel you :/ maybe there is a way.
Worst case scenario @PatrickWirth is right and when climate and energy crisis are going to hit hard (I mean critically hard for the westerners) we'll get them all back at once to put this whole world to an end ;) (well ok that's a fantasy too, but you started it)
Moments on “tour” courtesy @Winni4u - Vielen Dank Winni! Re-love the whole show number 467 and others at https://phoole.com/rewind #danceParty #StayHomeStaySafe #GuyDebord
The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy
Guy Debord on LA riots
Teknologian "kaikkea samaa joka laitteessa" -höttöily alauttaa mieleeni Guy Debordin toteamuksen tavaroiden pyrkimyksestä monopoliin:
"Every given commodity fights for itself, cannot acknowledge the others, and attempts to impose itself everywhere as if it were the only one.”
”Jokainen yksittäinen tavara taistelee omasta puolestaan, on kykenemätön tunnustamaan toisia tavaroita ja yrittää asettaa itsensä kaikkialle ikään kuin se olisi yksin.” #AmberCase #GuyDebord #CalmTech
Getting intellectual with tonight’s paracinema meme ... :: sews elbow patches onto corduroy jacket ::
#AdamCurtis #GuyDebord #Documentaries #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon #Memes #MovieMemes
I've been rather fascinated with the #SituationistInternational. Below is a lecture that, I believe, gives a rather good overview on their basic ideas (although a lot more can be said).
#Situationist #GuyDebord #art #ArtHistory #MarxistTheory #ClassStruggle #Spectacle #marxist #socialist #capitalist #Mai68
Finished rereading Society of the Spectacle by #GuyDeBord this morning, and a short book in #Yiddish called טאגבוך פון א וועווערקע (Diary of a Squirrel). Next up: Lifesong by #JuliaBlake. #AmReading #philosophy #sff
#7books to know me? Only 7?
* The Society of the Spectacle (Guy Debord)
* In Watermelon Sugar (Richard Brautigan)
* The Complete Chronicles of Conan (Robert E. Howard)
* The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (Philip K Dick)
* Future Shock (Alvin Toffler)
* Kaz the Minotaur (Richard A. Knaak)
* Fox in Socks (Theodor Seuss Geisel)
#books #scifi #swordandsorcery #brautigan #richardbrautigan #philipkdick #bookstodon #seuss #drseuss #literature #debord #guydebord #conanthebarbarian #robertehoward #rehoward
@CindySue @bookstodon Yeah. Society of the Spectacle is a trip.