#abandon : to cast or drive out
- French: quitte
- German: verlassen, zurücklassen, aufgeben
- Portuguese: abandonar
- Spanish: abandona
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
#TraitorTrump & #FuckWitVance Ambush #Zelenskyy In Prelude To #Betrayal
Vance egged on #PutinsPuppet, setting the stage for the #US to #abandon a key American #ally in televised Oval Office meeting.
#USPol #auspol any country thinking that the U.S. is an ally (apart from #Russia) is #deluded.
Lire le Psaume 21:8-13
Ta main trouvera tous tes ennemis, ta main droite trouvera ceux qui te haïssent.
Psaumes 21:8
Le psalmiste a un sens aigu de l'« ennemi ». Mais il ne le combat pas, il le remet à Dieu. Notre tâche consiste à reconnaître qu'il y a un ennemi et ensuite, dans la prière, à croire que Dieu s'occupera de lui.
#abandon #facebook #Zuckerberg #Sociopath #Greedy #Billionaire #Trump follower. Biggest #SocialMedia outlet that is rapidly instituting #Bias #Censorship.
#Borowitz. The 99.999% need to take back our #Politics, #Social has taken network! #Greedy #Oligarchs
It's Official: US Abandoning Ukraine”
by Kit Klarenberg in Global Delinquents on Substack
“On January 19th, TIME magazine published an astonishing article, amply confirming what dissident, anti-war academics, activists, journalists and researchers have argued for a decade. The US always intended to abandon Ukraine”
#Press #US #UK #NATO #Ukraine ##Russia #Abandon #Retreat #Failure
#Feminist #icon #JudithButler #slams #liberals who want to #abandon #trans #people: That’s “#fascist #logic
Butler called #denying #GenderAffirmingCare to #trans #kids "an act of #cruelty."
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #Hategroups #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews
Sometimes you can't see how to get to the end. #ABANDON it. Come back to it later. #postcardquotes
- Le vestiaire Thiébaut -
Marchienne-au-Poont, Belgique, Avr. 2006
#pakal #photo #photographie #art #urbex #explorationurbaine #vestiaire #reportage #abandon #usine #charleroi #belgique #marchienneaupont
- Publication automatique - #archives -
Belgique, Juil. 2005
#pakal #photo #photographie #art #urbex #explorationurbaine #reportage #abandon #usine #charleroi #belgique
- Publication automatique - #archives -
- Waidmanns Heil! -
Luxembourg - Nov. 2020
#pakal #photo #photographie #art #urbex #luxembourg #explorationurbaine #reportage #abandon #décrépit #mur #surface
- Publication automatique - #archives -
What #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump would do, in his own words!
Trump says he will #prosecute his #enemies, #order #massdeportations, use #soldiers against #citizens, #abandon our #allies, play #politics with #NaturalDisasters — #believehim.
Donald Trump has described at length the #dangerous and #disturbing #actions he says he will take if he wins the #presidency.
— Cast your #Vote to save #america
#NYTimes #Opinion #Section Runs #Splashy #AntiTrump #FrontPage — Amid Uproar Over #WashingtonPost and #LATimes Declining to Run #Endorsements.
"#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump says he will #prosecute his #enemies, order #massdeportations, use #soldiers against #citizens, #abandon our #allies, play #politics with #NaturalDisasters — #believehim."
#TimWalz #Defends #Queer And #Trans #Youth At Length In #Interview With #GlennonDoyle
His answers come a day after Harris' response to #antitrans #questions during a #FoxNews #interview, signaling the #ticket will not #abandon #transRights in response to #hateful #Republican #ads
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #DemocraticParty #Allies #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate
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