New Ravalli County representative named after Montana House resignation #Government #house #legislature #MontanaLegislature #Politics #RavalliCounty #representative #Republican #RepublicanParty #RonMarshall #TerryNelson
Want to know the truth about #Republican plans for #Medicare / #Medicaid? They're not just cuts - they're a blueprint for dismantling our entire #healthcare system.
Welcome to Trump 2.0.
Chuck Schumer, lead Democrat in the US Senate, says his party will not vote to advance the #Republican funding bill, which the US House negotiated without any Democratic participation. Failing Democratic support, cloture will fail, and a shutdown Friday is possible.
Dear #Americans,
It’s not you we hate, it’s your government, it’s the #Russian asset #President, rapist, felon & low life #Trump.
We’ll be saying harsh, even abusive things about the #US or #America - they aren’t aimed at the majority of Americans, but at the #Nazi loving #Republican #MAGA loyalists.
Your govt has betrayed it’s allies, broken long term trade agreements, turned some of it’s own population into targets for thugs & bigots - the world is just responding.
You know what country in recent history was #Republican without #Democracy? "R" in #USSR stands for "Republics." That is where the U.S. is headed.
"But can anyone imagine any scenario where the shoe was on the other foot & #Democrats needed 7 #Republican votes in exchange for literally nothing & they found 7 who said, “Okay, sure why not?”
It’s literally unimaginable.
...Democrats have this one chance to ... increase the attention on something the #public is already angry about. They need to take a real risk in order to change or at least slow the trajectory of the destruction."
Hey @ElonMusk; how much is #Trump paying ya? Can’t be enough!
#USpoli #USApoli #Republican #USAID #Tariffs #TariffsAreTaxes #DOGE #ElonMusk #Tesla #SwastiCars #BoycottTesla #MAGA #AreYouGettingItYet? Time to climb down into your #RabbitHole #GaltsGulch
I have a friend who is pretty much a #Republican by default (i.e., he claims to be apolitical but only consistently avoids political topics when the Republican position is the status quo; he will comment on other issues). He might be trying out a new "open mindedness" thing, though, and he once even claimed to be "more or less an #Anarchist" at heart.
I'm making a list of #questions to ask him about #anarchy. They were significantly more provocative until my partner (who is very good at this kind of thing) offered some rewordings:
Anarchy questions
How do you feel about the unrestricted movement of people? (i.e., #OpenBorders)
What are your thoughts on loving relationships (romantic/sexual) with multiple partners (i.e., more than 2), where everyone consents, up to and including marriage? (i.e., #polyamory, #RelationshipAnarchy, etc.)
How would you feel about your children having an equal voice in their education, along with all other individuals that are a part of their school around decisions like hours of operation, topics taught, hiring, etc.? (i.e., #AlternativeSchools, #AlternativeEducation)
What are your thoughts about individual police accountability when officers break laws?
What is your cost/benefit analysis of the existence of #police?
What is your cost/benefit analysis of the existence and/or current implementation of #prisons?
What are your thoughts on people inhabiting abandoned houses they don't own? (i.e., #squatting)
What do you think about #RightToRoam (i.e., even private land should allow people to freely pass through, temporarily camp, etc.)?
This is why it's a pointless exercise to try to "debate" with anyone who's drunk the MAGA koolaid:
A bill to amend the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to provide a uniform 8-digit subheading number for all whiskies.
Introduced in Senate
A bill to prohibit importation of commercially produced fresh citrus fruit originating from the People's Republic of China.
Introduced in Senate
A bill to prohibit natural asset companies from entering into any agreement with respect to land in the State of Utah or natural assets on or in land in the State of Utah.
Introduced in Senate
A bill to require certain entities to submit to Congress information on the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision, and for other purposes.
Introduced in Senate
SHIELD Against CCP Act
Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Decoupling from Foreign Adversarial Battery Dependence Act
Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
A bill to establish the Joint Task Force to Counter the Illicit Synthetic Narcotics.
Introduced in Senate
A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to apply a 6 percent excise tax on large endowments of certain private colleges and universities, and for other purposes.
Introduced in Senate
A bill to establish that an individual who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law related to the individual's conduct at and during the course of a protest that occurs at an institution of higher education shall be ineligible to receive a Federal student loan or for forgiveness, cancellation, waiver, or modification of certain F...
Introduced in Senate
A bill to authorize programs for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for fiscal year 2025, and for other purposes.
Introduced in Senate