Hello everybody!
I guess it is time for an #introductions
I am June, from Vancouver, Canada. My gender is 422.
Gosh, I'm supposed to describe who I am and my life? No idea where to start.
I am an extrovert, survivor, and kind of 3 cats in a trench coat, pretty sure one of them is a racoon in disguise.
For what I do: I develop my own video games (Unreal), make art in various mediums (traditional, digital, photography, 3D, interactive,...) and DJ for my friends. I love hikes, road-trips, raves, novelty and being like, super weird. I also freedive a lot and read mental health scholarly articles for fun.
I do not especially identify as transgender, but gender transition is what I am engaged in.
I am part of a polyamory / relationship anarchist family with my partner, where I am helping raise a lovely (and quite hilarious) child.
I am currently in collaboration to attempt at creating a prosocial co-op studio with a friend, hoping to bring mental health-focused cosy games on the market. Because, you know, late-stage economic and environment collapses are kind of turning everybody a bit mad.
I am a big proponent of finding joy, grace, support and hope when facing struggle. One faces pain easier when equipped with joy, and one accesses joy easier when facing pain.
As diagnosed AuDHD +& in resolution stage, I write about philosophy, social justice, transformation, decolonization and mental health. I also do pro-bono trauma coaching and crisis support for gender and neurodiverse communities and consulting services for therapists looking to better support clients on the neurodiverse & dissociative spectrums. (I would argue that going into the mental health field after 15 years in games is kind of the pipeline ).
Regarding who I am? If you're a bit into tarot, I'll say that I could identify as the explosive mix of The Fool, The Magician & The Empress. Something like that: I enjoy traveling between worlds and seeking natural truth.
Nice to meet y'all!