"plastic waste is causing damage to seabird chicks not apparent to the naked eye, including decay of the stomach lining, cell rupture and neurodegeneration"
"plastic waste is causing damage to seabird chicks not apparent to the naked eye, including decay of the stomach lining, cell rupture and neurodegeneration"
Fruits And Vegetables Could Help Protect Reproductive Function From Microplastics, Study Finds https://plantbasednews.org/lifestyle/health/fruits-vegetables-reproductive-function-microplastics/
Fruits And Vegetables Could Help Protect Reproductive Function From Microplastics, Study Finds https://plantbasednews.org/lifestyle/health/fruits-vegetables-reproductive-function-microplastics/
Scientists urge inclusion of plastics in climate action plans https://phys.org/news/2025-03-scientists-urge-inclusion-plastics-climate.html
Most chewing gum contains plastic—just like bags & bottles! It’s polluting our streets & harming our planet. Let’s ban it! Sign the petition now!
https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/ban-plastic-chewing-gum #plastic #PlasticPollution #pollution
Plastic waste in bird nests can act like a tiny time capsule https://www.science.org/content/article/plastic-waste-bird-nests-can-act-tiny-time-capsule
Next Monday, @ 6:30 PM (central): Missouri River Bird Observatory is hosting another free webinar as a part of their winter learning series. Open to all, registration required.
This ought to be a good one: Plastics and Public Health, the unsettling latest in medical research. Presented by Megan Wolff, Beyond Plastics.
#plasticpollution #plastics #beyondplastics #missouri #petrochemical #bigoil
End the plastic pollution - Break Free From Plastic!
"Le gomme da masticare in plastica dovrebbero essere abbandonate prima possibile.
E lo strumento probabilmente più efficace, al di là delle norme, è il rifiuto da parte dei consumatori."
#BanPlasticGum #salute #PlasticPollution #SaveThePlanet #28febbraio
Experts call for ban on toxic chemicals in plastics https://phys.org/news/2025-02-experts-toxic-chemicals-plastics.html
Hidden risks from plastic-coated fertilizers in soil revealed https://phys.org/news/2025-02-hidden-plastic-coated-fertilizers-soil.html
Microplastics in ocean linked to disabilities for coastal residents https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2025/02/250226142403.htm
Are plastic pollution policies effective? This study confirms that #EU measures to reduce #plastics are backed by solid science, including monitoring data and risk assessments.
#SfEP #PlasticPollution
BLACK DELUXE #3, 2024.
Aluminum print, 16"x20"/40x50cm.
The Black Deluxe series is part of my current project Beach Archeology.
A piece of red plastic and a dog's ball found on the beach, a fruit.
#contemporaryart #artcontemporain #photography #standforoceans #plasticpollution #TheOceanNeedsMoreFriends #greatpacificgarbagepatch
#interiordesign #homedecor
RT by @EU_ENV: Are plastic pollution policies effective? This study confirms that #EU measures to reduce #plastics are backed by solid science, including monitoring data and risk assessments.
#SfEP #PlasticPollution
AI-designed enzymes can now break down plastics like PET faster, revolutionizing recycling and sustainability. Perfect for eco-conscious digital nomads, this innovation supports greener living and inspires global solutions. #Sustainability #AI #PlasticPollution #DigitalNomads
Please, if you don't need one for medical or practical reasons, request #NoStraw when you are eating out. We can't overturn an executive order, but we, the people, do have a measure of power.
Un estudio publicado en Science Advances revela que más de 1.000 ríos son responsables del 80% de los macroplásticos que llegan a los océanos.
Filipinas, India y Malasia lideran la lista de los mayores contaminantes, con ríos que transportan toneladas de desechos plásticos diariamente.
Contrario a la creencia popular, no son solo los grandes ríos los culpables, sino también ríos pequeños en zonas densamente pobladas y islas tropicales.
La falta de gestión adecuada de residuos y el crecimiento urbano descontrolado agravan esta crisis ambiental.
Sin medidas urgentes, nuestros mares se ahogarán en plástico.
Es imperativo implementar políticas efectivas para frenar esta catástrofe ecológica antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Más información
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