@LaNaehForaday @wdlindsy He's the instance admin, so I'd recommend you don't just block him but the entire mastodon.satoshishop.de domain. And for any instance admins reading, please #defederate
@LaNaehForaday @wdlindsy He's the instance admin, so I'd recommend you don't just block him but the entire mastodon.satoshishop.de domain. And for any instance admins reading, please #defederate
@fosstodon I pay you £60 per year but avoid Patreon for the same reasons I don't want fedi touching #Meta or any other anti-human sociopathic entity.
So you selected for people who are already ok with supporting sociopaths, for whatever reason.
Please #defederate #fedi from anti-human sociopathic systems like #Threads. Not doing so literally supports those entities and the racists, Nazis and bigots they foster and amplify.
WTAF @fosstodon?
I support defederating from Threads. We have rules for server mod policy, Threads is violating them. Letting them not follow rules because they are too big is a recipe for disaster.
I see what people mean about cutting off communication, but this is necessary when fighting fascism. Rules are good, actually.
#SocialCoop folks, please vote in our Loomio, make your voice heard.
When I saw people posting the Threads Hate Speech Policy online I actually thought it was fake because of how insane it is.
Oh well, defederating is no great loss
This instance has now defederated with threads.
#BlockMeta #defederate #defereration
Well...there is a very simple solution for the whole Fediverse
*Allows federation with threads*
*Claims that they cannot defederate immediately after Meta's announcement of weakening its moderation because they have too much mutual follows*
Played like a fiddle. Zuck followed his playbook in front of everyone and here we are...
People keep saying that everyone should defederate threads, but the issue with that plan is that then I can’t view the Onion’s posts, which is my main way of keeping up to date about the world
Enough with these leeches and parasites. I am my own #FediBlock / #defederate.
#NoZuck #NoMosseri #NoDorsey #NoBluesky #NoThreads #NoExtendEmbraceExtinguish #FuckTheZuck
@davidaugust Most important part of the solution is missing: finish the dissolution of the Russian #Empire and #defederate #Russia. None of these other things are possible as long as the titular nation views other peoples as inferior and suppresses their national identities and their will for self-determination. Tatars and Chechens and Chukchi need home rule as much as Ukrainians and Kazakhs do.
The instance noauthority.social is an #Libertarian stronghold. #defederate is the ONLY option.
#defederate noauthority.social. Extreme far-right Libertarian instance.
Okay, so langsam wird es langweilig. Einfallslos sind sie auch noch [decayable][.][ink]
Okay, it's getting boring. They are also unimaginative [decayable][.][ink]
#noNazis #noTERFs #noIncels #noTransphobes #defederate #fediblock
Was für eine großartige Nacht, um einen ganzen Batzen Drecksinstanzen auf einmal loszuwerden [bae][.][st]
What a great night to get rid of a whole bunch of crap instances in one go [bae][.][st]
#noNazis #noTERFs #noIncels #noTransphobes #defederate #noAntisemitism #fediblock
Und noch einen [poa][.][st]
And another one [poa][.][st]
#noNazis #noTERFs #noIncels #noTransphobes #defederate #fediblock
Und wir haben noch einen Kandidaten [seal][.][cafe]
And we got another candidate [seal][.][cafe]
#noNazis #noTERFs #noIncels #noTransphobes #defederate #fediblock
Und das gleiche anscheinend für [detroitriotcity][.][com] - die Scheiße hat die Schmeißfliegen angelockt.
And the same apparently for [detroitriotcity][.][com] - the shit attracted the bluebottles.
#noNazis #noTERFs #noIncels #noTransphobes #defederate #fediblock
Mir wurde eben diese transfeindliche Animation in die Kommentare gespült. Nach näherem Hinschauen würde ich empfehlen, die komplette Instanz [poster][.][place] zu #deföderieren. Nur Nazi-Incel-Schmierlappen am Start.
This transphobic animation just came to me in the comments. After taking a closer look, I would recommend #defederating the entire [poster][.][place] instance. Only Nazi incel greasers there.
#noNazis #noTERFs #noIncels #noTransphobes #defederate #fediblock
Dear friends on #threads, Threads is not change. Threads is #twitter all over again. https://joinmastodon.org/
Mastodon can be the community you build. #absorbanddefederate #defederate #fedipact #mastodon
Please update your mastodon instance, or I'm going to #defederate it since you have SEVERE security issues. You claim to be running mastodon v3.2.1, which is quite old (we are at v4.2.7 now)