I am late to the party, I know. But I loved this book and I loved Gideon. There are so many great quotes from this book!!
Full review on #Storygraph & #Goodreads.
All #Gideontheninth fans let's link up
I am late to the party, I know. But I loved this book and I loved Gideon. There are so many great quotes from this book!!
Full review on #Storygraph & #Goodreads.
All #Gideontheninth fans let's link up
It was Harrow that did me in, but yea #TLT will do that to you
via harrowharksboner on tumblr, https://www.tumblr.com/harrowharksboner/774643708183363584
Many have accused Tamsyn Muir of not explaining anything, of leaving readers confused and bewildered, of obfuscation for its own sake. This is unfair and uncalled for. She has given us a very clear recipe for soup.
Cached US Kindle giveaway: 6 copies of Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb Series Book 1) by Tamsyn Muir. I have this book, and have *started* to read it, but it was too weird for me at the time. I need to try again some time. Everyone I know has said great things about it. Maybe you will too!
#KindleBookGiveaway #GideonTheNinth #LockedTomb #TamsynMuir
Only 365 days left until Alecto the Ninth releases.
waitwaitwait. Jeannemary Chatur.
From Wikipedia: "'Chowdhury' is a term adapted from the Sanskrit word caturdhara, literally 'holder of four' (four denoting a measure of land), from chatur ('four') and dhara …"
Is this common knowledge? With Reddit and Fandom both gone rancid, not sure where to find Locked Tomb discussion.
This is the exciting, compelling, and totally enjoyable sci-fi series I've been missing since I was an adolescent ripping through Dune, Harry Potter, and Ender's Game. (ugh, what a problematic list!)
Necromancers in space? Queer characters with biting and ridiculous sarcasm? World building that unfolds in amazing twists? Pulse-pounding endings? Very yes. Very recommend.
Just finished the second book in Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series. It's terrific.
The twists pulled off in the second book still feel fresh, surprising, and yet totally connected with the material in the first. I'm hugely impressed with the plotting.
“Fear doesn't help us achieve a state of grace; it deafens the heart.” ― Tamsyn Muir, Nona the Ninth
Another outstanding book in this series. Love the cover illustration too. October 2023 for the fourth book, Alecto the Ninth? Looking forward to it.
#InterestGraph - #Introduction
#Books: @knizer@bookwyrm.social
#ScienceFiction #Fantasy #SolarPunk #Cyberpunk #Classics
#TerryPratchett #StanisławLem #UrsulaKLeGuin #NaomiNovik #AnnaleeNewitz #KatherineAddison
#SeananMcGuire #IainMBanks #TamsynMuir #SarahGailey #SarahReesBrennan #BeckyChambers #TKingfisher #MarthaWells #AlixEHarrow #CatValente #ArkadyMartine #WilliamGibson #BruceSterling #NKJemisin #AmalElMohtar #MaxGladstone #MurLafferty #KimStanleyRobinson #JamesSACorey #PeterWatts
#Tamsynmuir, the chaos author who owns my whole heart (and by "owns my heart" I mean she keeps it with a diced dozen other amputated organs in a greasy bait box) just pub'd a western post-sapphic horromance short novl. She ever "here kitty kittied" me, I'd run across rattlesnakes to lick cold human slurry from her gloved finger tips without a second's hesitation. Call me a ditsy fan-ghoul. Don't care. I'm way past feeling. She has my whole heart, din'tja ya read what I said? #Undercover #tazmuir
Reading two books right now.
1 - Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?”
I’ll be reading this one for a while, they liked their novels long in the 1600s.
2 - Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
“I need you to trust me.”
“I need you to be trustworthy.”
Wasn’t sure about a necromancy book, but I really like it.
I #AmReading Harrow the Ninth by #TamsynMuir. Book 2 of #TheLockedTomb
She answered the Emperor's call.
She arrived with her arts, her wits, and her only friend.
In victory, her world has turned to ash.
Happy Saturday!
Are there any stories you can’t wait to get lost in? Maybe you want to expand your book list but don’t know where to start?
Today we’re sharing the #Sapphic or #LGBTQIA books up next on your reading list!
Share 5 of yours by tagging #SapphicSaturday
Mine are:
1. Harrow the Ninth by #TamsynMuir
2. The Red Scholar’s Wake by #AlietteDeBodard
3. Into the Drowning Deep by #MiraGrant
4. Honey Girl by #MorganRogers
5. Crier’s War by #NinaVarela
Okay... I've restarted the audiobook of Tamsyn Muir's Harrow the Ninth for a third time, having reached the end of Act One and remained thoroughly confused.
I'm told this is to be expected and it'll all make sense eventually, but I also don't feel I've taken enough in to make sense of it later. Maybe coming at it now, fresh after the holidays, a bit less burnt out, will allow my brain to take more of it in. Fingers crossed!
Nona the Ninth (2022) von Tamsyn Muir. Die Locked-Tomb-Reihe bleibt erfreulich abwechslungsreich und die etwas weirde aber unbeschwerte Nona stellt einen überraschenden Kontrast zu den morbiden Totenbeschwörerinnen der ersten Bände dar. Weniger verkopft und rätsellastig besticht das Buch durch Warmherzigkeit, mehr Raum für Nebenfiguren, sowie Muirs schriftstellerisches Talent, das aus jeder Seite leuchtet. Wholesome.
Nona the Ninth (2022) by Tamsyn Muir. So far, every entry in the Locked Tomb series came with a complete change in tone, so spending time with dorky easygoing Nona wasn't something I expected. This book doesn't focus on riddles just as much as its predecessors and kinda misses their clever enigmatic vibes, but it finally lets some side characters shine, which is extremely satisfying. Also, Muir's writing is just great.
Oh, we're doing #7Books to know me? Ok. Let's see!
1. Elatsoe by #DarcieLittleBadger
2. This is How You Lose The Time War by #MaxGladstone and #AmalElMohtar
3. Ninefox Gambit by #YoonHaLee
4. Gideon The Ninth by #TamsynMuir
5. Harrow The Ninth by #TamsynMuir
6. Nona The Ninth by #TamsynMuir
7. Roses and Rot by #KatHoward
*List Subject to change at any moment
Also, looking at the list, it's kinda hilarious that I spent so long thinking I was cis and het.