I am late to the party, I know. But I loved this book and I loved Gideon. There are so many great quotes from this book!!
Full review on #Storygraph & #Goodreads.
All #Gideontheninth fans let's link up
I am late to the party, I know. But I loved this book and I loved Gideon. There are so many great quotes from this book!!
Full review on #Storygraph & #Goodreads.
All #Gideontheninth fans let's link up
To every single person who has ever recommended Gideon the Ninth--HOW DARE YOU!!?
#iamnotokay #ihavequestionsandfeelings #bookrant #fantasybooks #bookshelf #moodreader
"One for the Emperor, first of us all;
One for his Lyctors, who answered the call;
One for his Saints, who were chosen of old;
One for his Hands, and the swords that they hold.
Two is for discipline, heedless of trial;
Three for the gleam of a jewel or a smile;
Four for fidelity, facing ahead;
Five for tradition and debts to the dead;
Six for the truth over solace in lies;
Seven for beauty that blossoms and dies;
Eight for salvation no matter the cost;
Nine for the Tomb, and all that was lost.”
I am grateful to the #UnderTheUmbrellaBookstore bookclub for giving me a fictional series to obsess about. It's a lovely break from reality.
For the curious, take a visit to #TheLockedTomb with the first book:
It was Harrow that did me in, but yea #TLT will do that to you
via harrowharksboner on tumblr, https://www.tumblr.com/harrowharksboner/774643708183363584
The Locked Tomb is a challenging set of books to read, but god damn the fan community is worth it. the comments in
r/theninthhouse routinely have tumblr-phd-quality zingers. and the fanart community is so active, though i wish they weren’t mostly on twitter.
I'm kind of down because we've finished up a tv show we liked; I completed my 2nd playthrough of the excellent Baldur's Gate 3; and I've finished reading the 3rd and last (for now) of the Locked Tomb series. Now all of these wonderful characters won't be an active part of my life, and while there's often a letdown about that, I usually don't get so many endings all at once!... I miss my imaginary friends. :\ #bg3 #LockedTomb #GideonTheNinth #book #scifi #tv #TheresSomethingWrongWithMe
Needs-no-context QOTD:
“It’s never too late to be confused and pick up The Locked Tomb today”
i’m starting to consider that TLT lore is as expansive and baroque as Evangelion’s, and maybe that’s enough to free me from trying to hold it all in my head at once.
infuriating how much sense harrow the ninth makes upon reread.
Fortiche... please do an animated adaptation of "The Locked Tomb"
#TheLockedTomb #GideonTheNinth
I would watch the shit out this.
What the Alectopause does to a bitch
Many have accused Tamsyn Muir of not explaining anything, of leaving readers confused and bewildered, of obfuscation for its own sake. This is unfair and uncalled for. She has given us a very clear recipe for soup.
I’m in the middle of reading Nona the Ninth and wouldn’t Nona be such an amazing role to act in? I fancast a lot of books i read and i have no idea who i’d have play her! A young Tatiana Maslany, perhaps?
(no spoilers in the replies, please)
Obvious disadvantage of just having finished #GideonTheNinth: You realize how few RPGs provide the option to play a necromancer within the rules or the standard group alignment.
Shout out to all the people in my neighborhood that put out 15-foot skeletons for their yards this Halloween. I too am a fan of the Ninth House. May the Locked Tomb remain shut forever. May the rock never be rolled away. #GideonTheNinth
“They had never fought together before, but they had always fought, and they could work in and around each other without a second’s thought.”
“Death first to vultures and scavengers.”
Getting even more whiplash from reading Nona the ~ninth~. This is not how sequels work!
Gideon: Snarky badass does heroics and pervs on the hot dying chick.
Harrow: Confused evil bitch has a mental breakdown & treachery.
Nona: Hee hee telepathic "kid" in a dying planet siege likes dogs and oh yeah will probably kill everyone.