@smallcircles @frankstrater @dansup @peertube great idea! I'll see about getting a task force started for it in the #SocialCG.
@smallcircles @frankstrater @dansup @peertube great idea! I'll see about getting a task force started for it in the #SocialCG.
Reminder: AS/AP-based suffers from #BallOfMud based ad-hoc expansion unless we find common practices and stick to them. Collaboration across a commons is essential here. Just coding your app with custom #ActivityPub protocol extension is contributing to #ProtocolDecay and increasing complexity to facilitate broad #interoperability.
The #FEP process and #SocialCG are where collective effort and proactive participation can improve #fedi for all. We need a bottom up standardization process.
The #SocialCG issue triage is going to start about 15 minutes late; my previous meeting is running overtime. #ActivityPub
New Charter for the W3C SocialCG
I want to draw attention to an administrative process at the W3C Social Web Community Group (SocialCG), the standards group that manages ActivityPub and Activity Streams 2.0 and a number of other open social networking standards. The group is considering a new charter to define how decisions are made and how the members work together. This might seem like a minor process, but it's actually part of a bigger deal for the Fediverse. To see why, you need to understand the structure of the […]https://socialwebfoundation.org/2024/12/06/new-charter-for-the-w3c-socialcg/
Esteemed #Fediverse –
please note the calendar:
Today Forum/Threaded Discussions Task Force
Tomorrow ActivityPub Issue Triage
SocialWeb CG Call
currently looking for feedback about #Place
No #ActivityPub issue triage today for the #SocialCG. I'm traveling for my 20th wedding anniversary. Please enjoy a week off, and I'll catch you next week at the same time.
#SocialCG will be talking about the future of #ActivityPub -ish work items governance processes at W3C in two days at 5pm UTC (10am PT) and YOU are invited.
You may also want to peruse some potential CG/WG charter ideas.
e.g. if there is another WG (unlike CG, usually only open to W3C Member Organizations and a few IEs) should it be a focused ActivityPub WG or a more big tent 'SocialWG 2.0' with many work items unrelated to ActivityPub?
For #SocialCG issue triage:
I've got a medical appointment for tomorrow in the hour before the CG meeting, so I'm going to move to the hour *after* the CG meeting.
I realize that changing the time is inconvenient to participants and I appreciate your patience.
Hi all,
This is just a notification that there will be no ForumWG meeting this month due to end of summer holidays and personal reasons.
Hope to resume again in October!
@dmitri@social.coop @evan@cosocial.ca can you please update the SocialCG calendar to reflect the canceled event?
A reminder for those who attend the #SocialCG #ActivityPub issue triage meetings that today's is one hour early.
Based on our decision in the last #SocialCG meeting, I set up a new GitHub repository for the #ActivityPub HTML Discovery Task Force.
I added what I think are some of the most important tasks and user stories. I hope others contribute, too!
This is a spin-off discussion from today's ForumWG meeting
During today's ForumWG meeting an interesting side discussion cropped up regarding what constitutes an Actor, and whether other object types could be considered Actor-like.
ActivityStreams defines an Actor as being one of five types:
However, a looser definition of an Actor could simply be "if the resolved object contains an inbox and an outbox".
Such a definition opens up the possibility of having lots of things be followable, perhaps without direct user interaction. This was one possibility outlined by @cpmoser@mastodon.social
@trwnh@mastodon.social also mentioned that Mastodon does not consider an object as being an actor unless it is one of those five types.
@dmitri@social.coop noted that this was a topic brought up at a previous AP issue triage meeting. Could you provide a summary?
Also cc @evan@cosocial.ca for his thoughts.
The #SocialCG started a task force for forums and link-sharing services. I'm so excited to see it going! I love the innovation happening in this space.
@uc @trwnh and I are working on the #SocialCG report on using ActivityPub with Webfinger so any other questions in this area would be really helpful to capture here https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-webfinger/issues
@bhaugen @nick @wikicafe @ecobytes
Are there good Mastodon clients for managing multiple accounts?
I only knew TweetDeck back in the day and how one could delegate permissions to other accounts. How would that work here?
Nice crossover question for the triage federated identity X federated groups X federated permissions.
That's esp. where Solid and ActivityPub departed from each other in the #SocialWG. I mean, they even share JSON-LD as RDF markup.
Btw., is there a #SocialCG by any means?
Back from my post-TPAC adventure, there has been a lot of public and private chat about rechartering the @w3c Social Web Working Group. I'm staying on the periphery, but I wrote my thoughts: https://rhiaro.co.uk/2023/09/social-web #fediverse #w3ctpac #tpac2023 #socialcg #activitypub