[I'm already hating myself for even bothering to beat this damned dead horse again]
"Making quote posts opt-in basically means that it will be hardly ever used, so why even bother investing all the time to develop it in the first place?"
#QuotePosts on #Mastodon have been made opt-in (the user decides whether their posts may be quote posted or not) thus preventing (as the most prevalent example) the dog-piling by armies of angry misogynist incel males who used to broadcaast a woman's post to a cc list of their angry misogynist incel male 'brothers' so the bros could execute a wholesale assault
I witnessed this scores of times on Twitter
You missed it? Or didn't care?
None of this may concern you, but at least #Gargron and the Mastodon devs had the sense to make their concerns known (what? two years ago?) and not just rush in to unleashing this weapon on demand
The 'demand' coming from 99% males, not surprisingly
You can still quote post; just opt-out from any controls, or don't use them