Anxiety is the most common reason why parents choose to take pupils out of school.
#SchoolAnxiety #EBSA
#SchoolTrauma #HomeEducation #Unschooling
While the kids are out celebrating a friend's birthday, I am sat attempting to write a response to the UK Gov consultation on updating the guidance on #HomeEducation for parents and local authorities (closing tomorrow).
I've already written the best part of 2000 words, but every time I look at the draft guidance again, I see more awfulness.
Forcing a person back to the source of their trauma with no meaningful support or accommodations is placing lives in danger. The new government push to get kids back into school is a danger to disabled communities.
The problem is isn't that the kids are not in school, it's that school is not a safe environment for all kids.
#ItsNotOkToNotBeOk #EHCP #EHCPsupport #ActuallyAutistic #autism #neurodivergent #Unschool #HomeEducation #disability
Anyone who knows me well knows that child autonomy is extremely important to me.
Stumbled across this article while enjoying my morning coffee. This book, as well as Peter Gray's "Free to Learn" were instrumental in opening my own eyes to so much.
I rarely talk about this stuff on my general socials, but I felt the need to share. I'll also link to both "How Children Learn," As well as "Free to Learn," which as I said are excellent and must-read titles for anyone who follows youth rights or believes in unschooling, or simply wishes to learn how to be a better ally to children.
The Joy and Sorrow of Rereading Holt’s "How Children Learn"
How Children Learn (50th anniversary edition) (A Merloyd Lawrence Book) Kindle Edition
Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life Kindle Edition
My deschooling child is standing straighter, their hair is thicker and glossier, and they're learning *several* interesting things on their own. It's hard not to feel like we wasted seven years of their life; it was much easier for them to choose *into* school than it would have been to drop out. #HomeEducation
@dajb We are a community of families that have chosen #HomeEducation (and largely #UnSchooling / #SelfDirectedLearning), mostly in response to *how our kids actually are*, and what it would mean to impose standard schooling on them. We are (adults and children alike) very #NeuroDiverse relative to the general population.
We exist as a group because we acknowledge difference.
So yeah, I think it's *very* important that we make space for that in our decision making.
Two of my children opt to do their studies in 2-3 hours of straight work, going from assignment to assignment, quiz to quiz, test to test, subject to subject.
The third gives himself regular breaks.
I have no point, just something I've noticed.
Does anyone out there in land (or my wider network) have experience/links/examples of #HomeEducation #cooperatives (particularly, but not essentially in a UK context)?
We have a lovely local group of #HomeEd families here, kids currently from 0-10yo, various approaches but quite a strong skew towards #UnSchooling/ #SelfDirectedLearning. Centred around a weekly session in a local community hall.
I'm *really* enjoying this lecture series, recommending it to general audiences and high school–level #homeschool learners
Listen to #Understanding Cultural and Human #Geography by Paul Robbins, The Great Courses
#homeschooling #culture #education #homeeducation
Not sure I shared most recent blog post, which is collaborative but very on topic for the #HomeEducation aspect of the blog,
My child who chose to attend school for 7 years has stopped and after a few weeks of deschooling has sort of BLOSSOMED and is getting creative and experimental again. I am feeling some complicated feelings about this.
I’m feeling suddenly, oddly isolated. We live in a small Midwestern town and the only co-op here is very religious. Like you have to answer questions about what you believe in order to join. I was looking at how to go about setting up a particular lesson and was hit with “I JUST WISH I HAD SOMEBODY TO TALK TO!” So where are my cool, leftist, secular homeschoolers? #HomeSchool #HomeEducation
I've been teaching my eight year old to #sew as part of her #HomeEducation and this is her latest creation. An envelope-fold cushion cover for her Nana. Please note her choice of fabric and the gradient poppers to match it. It's amazing to see how excited she gets about the fact that she can make something like this from scratch. Also amazing to see her realise that all of these skills are well within her grasp. A lovely way to spend a Sunday morning.
@motalley hello there! We're a UK based #HomeEducation family :)
So if there's a new influx are there any more #HomeEducation or #HomeSchool families or there?
Hello if so!
The simplest recipe and shortest prep time was the #challah, which was good enough thankfully. I brought the space heater into the kitchen to keep it warm enough for the dough to rise. Seemed to work out OK.
And Robbie is now asking more about traditions around challah, so this counts for Social Studies as well. #HomeEducation
@lukemartell @lukemartell Could you clarify/evidence this statement?
"The importance of public education for safeguarding and equality became more obvious under COVID when children spent long spells at home"
... because while the current government is keen to equate #HomeEducation with 'safeguarding risk', I don't think they've managed to produce any evidence to that effect.
For #UK based #HomeEducation families, I can offer you free month of doodlemaths with my referral link (don't think it will actually get me free month as I'm on a group subscription but there you go)
Did you know that birds have a unidirectional breathing flow? Because I didn't and it's super neat. They have air sacs behind and in front of their lungs (upstream and downstream, respectively). On an inhale, air is pulled from outside of the bird and into the back air sacs, and out of the lungs and into the front air sacs; on an exhale, the air goes from the back air sacs into the lungs, and out of the front air sacs to outside of the bird. So it's actually on the exhalation that air enters their lungs. This set up allows them to be more efficient at getting oxygen from the air than the mammalian system is.