Does anyone out there in land (or my wider network) have experience/links/examples of #HomeEducation #cooperatives (particularly, but not essentially in a UK context)?
We have a lovely local group of #HomeEd families here, kids currently from 0-10yo, various approaches but quite a strong skew towards #UnSchooling/ #SelfDirectedLearning. Centred around a weekly session in a local community hall.
We've got various ideas of how we could do more #MutualAid together*, and are trying to decide whether having a more tangible/formal existence than a WhatsApp group - both in terms of *how we organise* and *what sort of legal entity in UK law* - would help with that.
Also interested in examples how the kids can be given a democratic voice in this sort of organisation.
* Maintaining a resource library, getting access to facilities, trips, combining/sharing the grown-ups' skills/knowledge.
@dash Yes, but teen-focused. I facilitate one in the Midlands, and run a not actually coop one in a professional capacity (also teen-focused, but borne of happenstance rather than target). Latter soon to be on mastodon, but not yet
@dash I ran a co-op for a year about 15 years ago. It was hard work, and I burned out. I think my biggest mistake was not taking into account the personalities involved, if I did it again, I would rather choose friends I know I could trust rather than people using a similar home Ed style.
@dash Hi, the boy enjoys "hashtaggames", easily keeping up with adults. We are experienced inventors, creators, with maybe something to offer in the world of gadgetry. Tesla,(had to not hashtag Tesla, because the name seems to have been hijacked by a car salesman), (hashtag)Shauberger (who IMO is a curriculum in himself)
@dash ps, to get further into context, several years ago, I instigated an organic home-ed, little kids group, at an established eco learning center, it got taken over by Christians, who saw us as "subversive", be warned. I wonder how it's going for you. I notice home ed in the states is getting flak for the same reasons. What I saw at the time was someone behaving as though they're the headmaster of homeschool.