@Oneleggedjedi welcome, if you also want to move away from US-controlled messengers, like #WhatsApp, #Signal, #FacebookMessenger etc. Take a look at #ArcaneChat and #DeltaChat

@Oneleggedjedi welcome, if you also want to move away from US-controlled messengers, like #WhatsApp, #Signal, #FacebookMessenger etc. Take a look at #ArcaneChat and #DeltaChat
Falls jemand nicht weiß, welcher #Messenger der sicherste ist.... #Threema #ThreemaApp #ThreemaLibre #ThreemaWork #Signal #WhatsApp #SignalApp #Telegram #Putin #WeChat #China #Xmpp #FacebookMessenger #Matrix #Element #Metadata #Privacy #DatenSchutz #Privatsphäre #Verschlüsselung #DataProtection
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't meta become an fascist data mine? Between #facebook #facebookmessenger and #whatsapp, an AI intelligence could easily find connections between people and abortion, immigration, LGBTQ, islam, etc.
#Meta ‘removes #LGBTQ+ #Pride #themes from #FacebookMessenger #app’
The “#trans” and “#Nonbinary #themes” had colour schemes that matched the respective #genderidentity’s #prideflags
Other #themes on Facebook Messenger include ones for #Minecraft and #SquidGame.
So, you're using decentralized non-corporate-owned social media because you don't want your online identity and activity tracked and held by some corporation, and even possibly a government-influenced owner (TikTok?).
I've opened an #XMPP (#Jabber) messaging server, which is based on the same principles as whatever application you are reading this on. XMPP is completely decentralized, open source, free, and volunteer run.
Also, neither member identity nor messages are stored on the server. There is no centralized control over the network. You sign up by first choosing a server. Your ID looks like an ActivityPub ID (example: support@chat.between-us.online).
Besides end-to-end message encryption, there's optional #OMEMO on-device encryption. No messaging app (other than Signal) offers an encryption option this strong. There's video calling, file transfer, and both public and private chat rooms/groups. There are many messaging applications available for all operating systems.
You provide no personally identifiable information when you sign up, not even an email address. You only pick your ID and provide a password (which cannot be changed or recovered as the server does not keep identity information, so don't lose it and be sure it can't be guessed). If you delete your account, through the messaging app, there is no record of your account having existed on the server.
If interested, you can sign up on the messaging application you choose or via the website at https://between-us.online, which also provides additional information about XMPP and how to use it.
Why use #WhatsApp, #Discord, #FacebookMessenger, #Skype, etc. knowing that even if it might be true that their messages are encrypted, that your metadata is collected and analyzed and that the service is offered only to enrich the owners?
A note about #Matrix. Don't @ me about Matrix. This message is only to announce an XMPP (Jabber) server option. I am not advocating XMPP over Matrix. I use Matrix as well. It ticks all the same boxes. This is just an announcement about an XMPP server.
@xoron I don't want to discourage you at all - in fact I think your goal is not just noble but also worth aspiring to.
But whatever you do, please "DO NOT DIY ENCRYPTION!"
Prioritize features early on and make a decision what you want and if/how these can be accomplished. If necessary, have different modes / functions one has to context-switch (i.e. videocalling can't work in an airgapped network unless your callers are in the same (W)LAN).
User-test early on. Espechally with "#TechIlliterates", if you can.
Write #documentation early on since that'll remove headaches. And I don't just mean #CommentYourCode but go deep and explain in detail why you chose something. This will help not just you.
Make yourself a list what you like and dislike from those.
Don't be afraid if your #App can't tick all the boxes at first release. Rather feel free to slowly ibtegrate them.
Needless to say I do sincerely wish you good luck and only the best in terms of success.
Facebook Messenger se dočkal velké aktualizace. Videohovory budou kvalitnější, o potlačení ruchu se postará AI
Facebook Messenger konečně dostává HD videohovory a potlačení šumu
Meta přidává také umělou inteligenci pro gener...| Celý článek najdete na https://tinyurl.com/26wvgyf7
WhatsApp aggiorna l'indicatore di digitazione e audio
#Android #App #Audio #Beta #Comunicazione #Design #Digitazione #FacebookMessenger #Indicatore #Instagram #iOS #Messaggistica #Meta #Notizie #Novità #Ottimizzazioni #Restyling #Sviluppo #Tecnologia #WhatsApp
Iso muutos luvassa Whatsappin ja Facebookin käyttäjille – asiantuntija huolissaan säilyykö viestien salaus
Whatsappin ja Facebook Messengerin käyttäjät voivat jatkossa vastaanottaa viestejä alustalle myös muista sovelluksista.
Diese #Chatkontrolle sollte auf allen Kanälen erfolgen:
Posts und Direktnachrichten in sozialen Netzwerken
Chats in Onlinespielen
Instant Messengern wie den #FacebookMessenger, #WhatsApp, #Signal, #Threema, #Telegram
Während die Anbieter von ersteren Diensten oft den Klartext der Nachrichten sowieso zu sehen bekommen, ist dies bei Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselten #Messenger|n schwierig. Und da liegt der Knackpunkt.
@GrapheneOS Signal is too able to hand over stuff, and they too will.
Tho thankfully we live ib a world where we don't just have Ketchup (Telegram), Majo (Signal) and Mustard (#WhatsApp / #FacebookMessenger) as options, but various others to fulfill case-by-case needs.
Like @zulip / #Zulip, @delta / #deltaChat, #IRC & #XMPP+#OMEMO like @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #Gajim.
How Facebook Killed Online Chat - In the early days of the internet, online conversations were an event. The technol... - https://hackaday.com/2024/05/29/how-facebook-killed-online-chat/ #facebookmessenger #currentevents #msnmessenger #messenger #featured #online #rants #chat #aim #irc #msn
The #MessengerMatrix by @kuketzblog , which provides an overview of the different technical features of various instant #messenger apps, has been updated. It now contains information on the following apps:
#Briar #Conversations #DeltaChat #Discord #Element #FacebookMessenger #GoogleMessages #iMessages #Jami #Line #Signal #SimpleX #Siskin #Skype #Telegram #Threema #Viber #WhatsApp #Wire
Facebook Messenger dostává obří aktualizaci! Přináší hromadu novinek a funkci, po níž voláme roky
Facebook Messenger se dostal několika nových funkcí
Mezi ty nejlepší patří možnost odesílat HD fotografie
Nově...| Celý článek najdete na https://tinyurl.com/2b3h68z9
Meta оновила Messenger — спільні альбоми, підтримка HD-фото та відправка файлів до 100 Мб https://itc.ua/ua/novini/meta-onovyla-messenger-spilni-albomy-pidtrymka-hd-foto-ta-vidpravka-fajliv-do-100-mb/ #FacebookMessenger #Технології #Messenger #Facebook #Новини #Софт #Meta
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