Meet us at our table during #FOSSMeet at NIT Calicut in Kozhikode, Kerala. Don't forget to collect Prav stickers and buy these awesome xampu bars!
Event link
JoinJabber has a channel/chatroom reccomendation page now in case you are new to Jabber/XMPP and are looking for places to hangout.
The list was compiled with safety and protection of marginalized people in mind so that all rooms in the list are safe to join. The criteria we are using for the list are written on the top of the page.
Any new room additions to the list are welcome.
@codeDude I organize monthly #OpenStreetMap mapping parties in #Delhi #India.
We announce on free platforms like #XMPP, Mastodon, Lemmy, mailing lists, and Discourse, but not everyone uses them. So we also have to announce on Telegram, Discord, Reddit, etc.
That said, if we treat both free and proprietary platforms equally (this includes bridging), there's no incentive for people to move away from proprietary platforms, and we're really only helping these platforms cement their dominance.
My graphana dashboard so far. Currently I focus on spam. Needs more work, ultimately I want to be able to understand which measures yield the best effect.
Metrics aren‘t exactly a strength of ejabberd, but I‘m working on it. Hope to improve things little bit at least.
alguma recomendação de servidor xmpp com boas regras pra minorias?
Just released version 1.9.1 of the slixmpp #python #xmpp library.
Release notes:
The web server is undergoing surprise server migration. This also affects but not the xmpp server - we hope to restore all services by tomorrow.
If you are interrsted to do it, but would need financial support, we can raise funds through crowd funding.
For example, and are our previous efforts to fund development.
Any developers willing to port/adapt/rewrite #ejabberd api component of #Quicksy server to work with #prosody #xmpp server?
Basically we want to create xmpp accounts via a server component after verifying phone number with sms otp.
Currently it is possible to do this on ejabberd, but adding prosody support will make it easy to add phone number verification to prosody as well. Adding phone number verification or an invite to create account will help stop #spam accounts by a huge margin.
@heiligen pasarse de #WhatsApp y #Telegram a #Signal no corta el mal de raíz, es mejor pasarse a alternativas descentralizadas con la que los holandeses o cualquier otro país podría alcanzar soveranía tecnológica, algunos ejemplos de dichas alternativas son: #ArcaneChat (, #DeltaChat, #XMPP, #Matrix, etc
Gajim 2.0.2 has been released
This release updates message moderation in group chats, improves handling of URIs, and fixes some bugs. Thank you for all your contributions!
Support Gajim:
Se siete stanchi di usare le solite app di messaggistica che divorano i vostri dati provate #xmpp . per le informazioni generali e tutti i link in Italiano a video, guide di installazione e tanto altro. Qui la chat di gruppo pubblica della nostra comunità di utenti ed appassionati:
Qui il gruppo offtopic dove è ammesso quasi ogni argomento:
Questa il bel gruppo dedicato alla musica:
Ma c'è tanto tanto altro e soprattutto scoprirete che installare un proprio server di messaggistica con un protocolli standard aperto, sicuro, federato e cifrato e2e è una cosa alla portata di tutt* o quasi.
@tux @TuxOnBike @Hypopheralcus warum nicht #IRC oder #XMPP?
@feld @delta BTW: I just had a quick look in #Conversations #XMPP client, and it too has barcode scanning and showing functionality for adding "Chat IDs" between smartphones.
What's the downside to #selfhosting all the things?