#introduction I am a programmer in New Jersey. I have been on federated social networks since 2013, and am really into the cooperative model. I am into mathematics, anime, free/open source video games, and personality typology, and generally just like meeting new people online. Hope to strike a conversation with some friendly people here!
#introduction #introductions I am a programmer in New Jersey. I have been on federated social networks since 2013, and am really into the cooperative model. I am into mathematics, anime, free/open source video games, and personality typology, and generally just like meeting new people online. Hope to strike a conversation with some friendly people here! #freegaming #libre #math #scheme #programming #cooperatives #anarchism #pirate #newjersey #uspol #anime #socionics
Updated with hashtags.
@tealturtle What's your favorite anime?
@Vishsai Of all time, my favorite manga I've read is Rurouni Kenshin. For movies, Princess Mononoke. It's hard for me to say for anime TV series, honestly I haven't seen that many to judge! I want to start getting into some of the popular ones though.
@Vishsai How about you, what do you like?
@tealturtle Favorite manga and anime is naruto. Though current favorite manga is Kingdom.
@Vishsai Haven't heard of Kingdom! It looks interesting, I'll check it out.
@tealturtle If you like history you will love it.
@tealturtle What kind of mathematics are you interested in?
I am also a huge fan of cooperatives specifically worker coops and have anarchist sympathies