I really like what you're doing with https://doubleloop.net/, @neil !
Nice to meet you, by the way :)
Do you mean doubleloop.net to be multiplayer or is it strictly a personal site? Would you be willing to contribute your garden to the Agora?
@flancian Thanks! I consider it a personal wiki, however am indeed very interested in the linking of personal gardens to form 'community gardens', so to speak. So I really like what you are doing at anagora.org. I like P2P and see webmentions as one potential route to garden-joining, but the aggregation approach also seems like an excellent one to explore.
I'd love to join the Agora - I use org-roam, so I wonder would we need some org to markdown bridging?
@flancian Sister sites idea is also an interesting reference - https://wiki.c2.com/?AboutSisterSites
@neil very interesting, thank you! wiki.c2.com is the gift that keeps giving!
I'm attending a tentative proto-WG meeting about an open Agora-like protocol later this month perhaps; Ward Cunningham is invited (unsure if he'll show)! I'm star struck already anyway,
@flancian That sounds great. I think @BillSeitz might be interested in that - http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/DigitalGardenStandards