Today's reminder:
"only a tiny minority of capitalism-poisoned freaks oppose the #UAW"
Today's reminder:
"only a tiny minority of capitalism-poisoned freaks oppose the #UAW"
Republicans and corporate media continue to eat face on the UAW strike. The wedge this time? "Workers want to build EVs, but can't because of the strike. And the union is opposed to EVs! [sound of a baby crying]". It's always something ridiculous, isn't it? The UAW fully supports building EVs. The lies get dumber and dumberer. And, of course, infamous union buster Musk is involved.
#UAW #UAWOnStrike #RepublicanLies #MSM
Sharing this piece I co-authored with my @ceprdc colleague Sylvia Allegretto on where the focus should be with respect to
#UAWOnStrike. We need to be paying attention to what the #strike means for the #workers involved, and how their fight speaks to the core issues of #worker #power and #economic #inequality.
The @nonprofitunion stands in solidarity with our union siblings at #UAW. Through #StandUpUAW and #StrikeOnBCBS, #UAWOnStrike is fighting for a future where #labor is rewarded instead of exploited. This is a fight for every #worker , and together we are powerful. #UnionStrong #1u
#UAW members expect campaign of terror from #management; #Teamsters to refuse to deliver vehicles
The fediverse is shouting about it. The strike is on! Looks like there'll be a ramp up based on how negotiations go. This morning begins with 13,000 workers on strike with the possibility of workers from more sectors joining later. Could become largest strike in US history.
#UAW #UAWOnStrike #Solidarity #ShutItDown
I want to see more of this
Workers start strike at US motor industry giants #strike #uawonstrike #labor
Are You ‘All In’ with UAW Autoworkers? #UAW #UAWOnStrike #StrikeReady #Union #Petition #1u
Our new podcast episode of #ThisIsAmerica has finally dropped!
Featuring interviews with:
* Journalist @dell on the DHS under Trump, and how they set out to manufacture an 'ANTIFA' threat during the 2020 #GeorgeFloyd protests in #Portland.
* The Atlanta Community Press Collective on recent arrests and ongoing repression in #Atlanta against tree-sitters fighting to #StopCopCity.
Plus, an antifascist analysis of Kanye's embrace of neo-Nazism and Nick Fuentes.
And a resistance roundup of ongoing #UAWonStrike actions and building occupations, antifascist resistance and community defense of #LGBTQ spaces against neo-Nazis and gender fascists and solidarity actions with the #StopCopCity campaign.
"We think that there is still more to be won."
After union leaders strike deal with university, many UC graduate students speak up against the tentative agreement. My latest story for Science Careers.
I stand in solidarity with UC rank and file who vote NO on this inadequate offer, and so should all workers who want living wages and fair working conditions. This was the biggest education strike in our nation’s history, and UC is offering a bare minimum to get it to end. They have so much more to offer #Solidarity #FairUCNow #UnionStrong #WorkersRights #UAWOnStrike #UCStrike #StrikeToWin
can someone enlighten me why the heck the UC unions are considering ratifying contracts before grading deadlines have even passed? I can't keep track of what's going on.
#UCStrike #FairUCNow #UAWOnStrike
@dev I couldn’t agree more! This is such an obvious divide and conquer strategy, The strike is working. UC has so much more to offer than this TA #VoteNo #FairUCNow #StrikeToWin #UAWOnStrike #UCStrike #Solidarity
“University of California PhD Pay is Among the Lowest in the U.S. After Accounting for Cost of Living”:
“we find that at most of the UCs, a fair-market rent in the school’s county is roughly 100% of the average total PhD income.”
Coming up within the hour! Stand in solidarity UC strikers by participating in an online rally at GMT - 8, i.e., 4 PST #UAWOnStrike #FairUCNow #UCStrike #AcademicChatter #UnionStrong #Union #Solidarity
This podcast episode by David Palumbo-Liu about the strikes in the UK and at the UC is fantastic! Clear analysis and lots of inspiration!
Academic Strikers Form Solidarity Across the Atlantic #FairUCNow #strike #UAWonStrike #HigherEdWorkersUnite
@rbreich ... and led to an impoverished graduate student class, in the name of transforming a public asset #universityofcalifornia into a privatized good and #trickledown #economics #FairUCNow #UAWOnStrike
Finally, an opportunity for academic workers and union members everywhere to support the UC strike by joining a virtual rally on Sunday, Dec 11! #UnionStrong #AcademicChatter #FairUCNow #UCURising #UAWOnStrike #NewSchoolStrike #Strike #union
I don't see nearly enough strikeposting about #UCStrike #UAWonStrike #FairUCNow on this instance yet. Postdocs got some pennies, not even close to enough, but faculty passivity about the working conditions of every academic worker that keeps the whole show running continues to be the running theme as far as I can see