Explore how cultures worldwide celebrate seasonal transitions through festivals, rituals, and traditions.
#seasonaleating seasons #foodhistory #diwali #thanksgiving #ritual
Explore how cultures worldwide celebrate seasonal transitions through festivals, rituals, and traditions.
#seasonaleating seasons #foodhistory #diwali #thanksgiving #ritual
Been fussing over the #BrusselsSprouts for weeks to have some of harvestable size for Thanksgiving because I planted late…. improvising a cold frame, watering through a freak drought, keeping cabbage moth caterpillars and aphids away. And today I get to harvest these delicious marbles!
#vegetableGardening is always a gamble. “Will the stars align and I will get to eat something from this effort?” Today the answer is YES
Crowd pleaser dessert: gingerbread (the cake kind) served with warm chunky applesauce and whipped cream and a small glass of good whiskey
Easy and tastes like happiness.
Filing this under #SeasonalEating and #baking
Still harvesting from unprotected beds ! These are the last of the #beets
Roasted Delicata squash stuffed with green lentils, onion, garlic, chard, kale, parsley, bread, soaked in egg whites, and Gruyère
#SeasonalEating #GrowFood #zone7a
It’s a late summer just eat whatever veggies we are freezing kind of dinner. #vegetable #gardening #SeasonalEating
Having family over (outdoors, because #CovidIsNotOver ): assorted types of garden cuke pickles and garden melon for starters, tossed salad entirely from garden, roasted garden eggplant stuffed ravioli with garden basil pesto sauce, and local orchard nectarine/blueberry galette. #seasonalEating #Gardening #zone7a
Feeding people makes me happy.
#intro-post cause that’s a thing we do.
I like making things and thinking about things.
#NoDig #Gardening of #vegetables, #berries, and sturdy flowers.
plants & chickens in the yard for #canning #FoodPreservation #SeasonalCooking #seasonalEating
Always active #knitting & various #fiberArts projects in “I’ll get to that sometime”
I rock at #facilitating groups & #holisticLeadership
Currently job in #UnitarianUniversalist #relationalStewardship
I'll make a shitton of deviled eggs and a simple fresh tomato-basil-goat cheese salad. I'm gonna make an angel food cake to have with fresh strawberry, raspberry, blackberry compote & whipped cream. Definitely still milk and egg season. #cooking #SecularEaster #SeasonalEating
I don’t mean to make light of Brexit-induced food shortages, but I think we should all go back to eating seasonally, and not expect fresh tomatoes and other summer crops in February in the Northern Hemisphere. It takes an extraordinary amount of energy, ingenuity, and other resources to achieve, and only profit and habit justify such a squandering. #FoodDistribution #SeasonalEating
In season and available now in the #sfbay is the amazing Cherimoya aka the Custard Apple. A delightful creamy fruit grown in our #foodshed it is a brilliant brrakfast or dessert on its own but can also be made into sorbet or added to salads and smoothies to show off its tropical flavor. #localvore #locavore #cherimoya #custardapple #seasonaleating #seasonality #shoplocal #eatlocal #eatfreshandlocal #farmersmarket