Wer hat Lust mit uns die #OJS-Dokumentation ins Deutsche zu übersetzen? Am 9. April 2025 findet der nächste Translation Sprint statt und alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen sich zu beteiligen.
#PKP #DiamondOA #OpenByDefault #OA
Wer hat Lust mit uns die #OJS-Dokumentation ins Deutsche zu übersetzen? Am 9. April 2025 findet der nächste Translation Sprint statt und alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen sich zu beteiligen.
#PKP #DiamondOA #OpenByDefault #OA
Es gibt einen zweiten Translation Sprint zur Übersetzung der #OJS Dokumentation von @PublicKnowledgeProject ins Deutsche. Wer Lust hat nächsten Dienstag, 4.2.2025 (9-16 Uhr), mitzumachen, kann sich unter openpublishing@tib.eu melden und bekommt dann alle weiteren Infos.
On this day 9 years ago, I started my company Open By Default. (It went through a pause and a move from Sweden to the Netherlands during that time.) If you need any help in anything becoming more open or advice about working in the open, I'm here to help! https://openbydefault.se #OpenByDefault #otd #OnThisDay
Offenheit als Grundprinzip bedeutet bei #TIB Open Publishing auch, dass die Angebote auf der Redaktionsplattform #OpenJournalSystems von @PublicKnowledgeProject basieren. Als Teil einer weltweiten Community beteiligen wir uns auch an der Weiterentwicklung von #OJS. (3/3)
Wer möchte bei uns als „Mitarbeiter:in Open-Access-Publikationsangebote“ anfangen?
Die Stelle ist in TV-L E9b eingruppiert und bis zum 31.08.2026 befristet.
@TIBopenpub delivers reference lists to @crossref.
At @TIBopenpub all articles receive #DOI s. #ORCiD IDs and #ROR s are provided in their metadata.
With a bunch of upcoming events, and as a sort of personal brand in my tiny business #OpenByDefault, I just got myself new #BusinessCards. Inspired by both the cards we had at @publiccode and the ones @Auregann recently did, I am pleased with the remix of ideas.
My new #socks arrived and will be worn during my next business trip
Good news from DAE Panel Articles - your @TIBopenpub journal devoted to all aspects of differential equations with constraints: The first article of Vol. 2 (2024) was published!
The full programme of the OASPA Conference 2024 is here.
Our (slightly biased) recommendation: The panel "Technical Standards and Best Practices for Diamond Open Access Publishing" with @TIBopenpub's platform manager #XeniavanEdig, @DOAJ's #ClaraArmengou, @operaseu's #MaximKupreyev and session chair #JoannaBall (Managing Director of @DOAJ)
All manuscripts submitted to a publications on @TIBopenpub are scanned for plagiarism (Similarity Check). This is also requirement for indexation in the @DOAJ
We published the start of a new series of conference proceedings: Welcome to @TIBopenpub, International Sustainable Energy Conference - Proceedings! The proceedings cover the results of the ISEC 2024 – 3rd International Sustainable Energy Conference.
At all @TIBopenpub publications authors retain both copyrights and full publishing rights. This also a best practice that is required by the @DOAJ .
We're happy to announce a new publication at @TIBopenpub: The Proceedings of the Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze | Future Power Grids Conference cover the proceedings of the Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze | Future Power Grids Conference which is taking place annually.
We're delighted that our very own Dulip Withanage will give a workshop on XML Publishing at the #CRAFTOA summer school in beautiful Telč.
But what do CC-BY licences mean for authors? Our colleagues at @openaccessnetwork summarized it in a video: https://av.tib.eu/media/53471.
At @TIBopenpub all articles are published under a CC-BY licence (3.0. or 4.0 International). With that we're in accordance with both @DOAJ and #PlanS policies.
An example can be found at the #GlassEurope journal that is published at TIB Open Publishing: https://www.tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/glass-europe/about/submissions
As a fundamental aspect of #DiamondOAInPractice an open access statement is also required by e.g. @DOAJ. At @TIBopenpub this is implemented as a publication level statement.
What does it mean to be #OpenByDefault? And how are #DiamondOA standards and best practices implemented at @TIBopenpub? Follow along in our new series #DiamondOAInPractice to find out more during the next weeks.