To date, 55 radio pulsars have been discovered by @einsteinathome and its volunteers, and there may be many more to come.
“Einstein@Home has found radio pulsars in archival data that have been thoroughly analyzed many times before,” says Colin Clark, group leader of the Pulsars group at the @mpi_grav in Hannover, Germany. “This is why we expect to find many more exciting radio pulsars with Einstein@Home in the future.”
Today in 1915, 110 years ago: World War I: The first naval attack on the Dardanelles begins when a strong Anglo-French task force bombards Ottoman artillery along the coast of Gallipoli.
19 February 1913, suffragettes bomb David Lloyd George's new house at Walton Heath. They plant two bombs, one goes off but damages the second. Workmen were due to arrive shortly after, and it is pure luck that none were killed. #OTD #OnThisDay
Today in 1943, 82 years ago: World War II: Battle of Kasserine Pass in Tunisia begins.
Today in 2006, 19 years ago: on the Philippine island of Mindanao, an avalanche buries several houses in the village of Depore, leaving 12 missing.
Today in 1949, 76 years ago: Ezra Pound is awarded the first Bollingen Prize in poetry by the Bollingen Foundation and Yale University.
Today in 1602, 423 years ago: in Colombia, the municipality of Paipa (Boyacá) was founded
Today in 1836, 189 years ago: in Spain, Juan Álvarez Mendizábal decrees the sale of all the assets of the extinct religious orders, as part of the confiscation process.
Today in 1971, 54 years ago: Egypt proposes that Israel be recognized as a state in exchange for withdrawing from the occupied territories.
Today in 1814, 211 years ago: Norway, in its resistance to Swedish domination, takes as regent the prince of Denmark Christian Frederick.