Pasty White Guy Schools American History
Slavery, racism, the Tulsa Massacre, the Wilmington coup d'etat, MLK's economic justice campaign (socialism, wealth redistribution), Lee Atwater's "n---r, n---r, n---r" explanation of GOP political, economic, and social policy, and more history you likely do not know.
(Oh, and it's just the tip.)
I like to think of myself as, if not fully woke, at least somewhat aware. And I didn't learn (much) new from this video. But by and large it covers events I've learned of only in the past 3--8 years or so.
Another excellent resource is James W. Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me, addressing not just slavery and racism but Columbus, native Americans (ok; more racism), inequality, government overreach (a force for both good and evil), what Helen Keller used her rediscovered voice for (hint: see MLK above), and more.
You know what the most dangerous thing in America is, right? N---a with a library card.
-- Brother Mouzone, The Wire s. 2 e. 10.
Get out there and read and learn, motherfuckers. Then act for change.