"Očkování proti onemocnění covid-19 udělalo z lidí geneticky modifikované organismy a může vyvolat onkologická onemocnění, použití mRNA vakcín od firem Pfizer/BioNTech a Moderna je třeba okamžitě zakázat."
Před novináři to dnes tvrdil zmocněnec slovenské vlády pro prověření postupu státu během koronavirové nákazy Peter Kotlár, který je odpůrcem očkování.
"Byla podána genová terapie, která má přinutit tělo produkovat toxin. Byla narušena integrita slovenského genofondu," řekl Kotlár o očkování proti covidu-19 uvedenými vakcínami.
#COVID19 #cospiracy #konspirace #slovakia #slovensko #peterkotlar
Nemám slov ty slovenskej genofonde....
Health-related quality of life in #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis / #ChronicFatigueSyndrome and #PostCOVID19 Condition: a systematic review
"ME/CFS and PCC have similar, profound impacts on HRQoL [health-related quality of life]"
#LongCovid @mecfs
#MEcfs #CFS #PwME @longcovid
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
#COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV2 @novid@chirp.social #novid @novid@a.gup.pe #CovidIsNotOver @auscovid19
German spy agency believed CoVid-19 likely started in a laboratory in Wuhan.
The widely accepted theory is that Covid-19 emerged in bats and then jumped to humans, most likely through another animal, or "intermediary host."
As time worn on, scientists have not found a virus in either bats or another animal that matches the genetic make-up of Covid-19, leading some to doubt the theory.
#Pandemic #CoVid19 #Asian #Health #Virus #PublicHealth #SARSCov2
Patients with #LongCovid regain sense of smell and taste with pioneering surgery https://www.theguardian.com/society/2025/mar/07/long-covid-patients-regain-sense-smell-taste-functional-septorhinoplasty-surgery #COVID19
A glimpse into a surreal abyss: how #COVID19 ravaged a remote city in the Amazonian jungle – podcast https://theconversation.com/a-glimpse-into-a-surreal-abyss-how-covid-ravaged-a-remote-city-in-the-amazonian-jungle-podcast-251941 #Peru
■ Sigue en directo la sesión de control en la Asamblea de Madrid horas antes de la emisión del documental 7291 ■ La presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, responde a las preguntas de la oposición en el día en el que RTVE va a emitir una película sobre los fallecidos en las residencias […]
Google Translation: "The German Federal Government has detailed information that suggests with some probability that the Sars-CoV-2 virus was created by humans through the manipulation of an existing virus and that it originated in a Chinese biolaboratory, the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
According to information obtained by the NZZ, several specialized scientists at the German foreign intelligence service, the Federal Intelligence Service, have been meeting in recent weeks, initiated by the Federal Chancellery. The first meetings took place last year. Participants included well-known virologists. In several meetings, the researchers also investigated the origin of the virus."
"On COVID’s Fifth Anniversary, Scientists Reflect on Mistakes and Successes
Public health experts discuss lessons learned from the U.S. response to the COVID pandemic, on topics ranging from school closures to trust in science"
By Tanya Lewis edited by Dean Visser
March 5, 2025
"Five years ago, the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Oklahoma City."
uhh no, the first cases were in China. Why is it so difficult to write "in the USA" when you clearly mean "in the USA"?
This is a frequent phenomenon, but given the low reputation of the USA these days, do you really think it's a good idea to remind other people that you often simply forget other countries exist while writing about stuff?
I've thought, for a long time, that it would be the fungi that eventually gets us all.
Of course, having several doses of #COVID19 makes a person the perfect incubator for such critters.
Kinda reminds you of another virus that relies on #opportunistic infections to knock a person off.
#AskFedi bc I need a refresher:
Were there, or were there not, studies during the *designated pandemic years (2020-21)* (/s) re: #Covid19 + #ClimateChange impact on gut health, with one major symptom being something like the stomach flu?
If anyone has the links and receipts, PLEASE REPLY!
Even a local newspaper here in West Bengal, India, carried a headline recently re: the outbreak of a kind of stomach flu, with symptoms such as lack of appetite, exhaustion, indigestion, and diarrhoea. My BFFs are down with it, and I am, too. And yesterday the news announced an oncoming heat wave this weekend
EDIT 15:33 HRS: following @hopeward 's clue, I think this could be a norovirus outbreak, because reading up on it, the symptoms all match. I don't know if the TV news channels have covered it at all.
Masking is sporadic here, almost rare. I still mask up, but ~ it does get difficult to breathe in a mask at 12:30 PM at 36°C ~ especially when chronic pain makes it hard for me to breathe even at home. Outside, there's also significant shaming and peer pressure to NOT mask up.
And as always, it's way worse for people with #Disabilities and #ChronicIllness (for instance: me), but people in this ableist, fascist hellhole of a country never want to talk about it.
The latest example of a potential new variant evolving in a long-term chronic infection has been detected by the diligent work of those collecting and sequencing samples in South Africa.
As Ryan H describes on this thread, it is descended from the BA.3 lineage, which last in circulation about 3 years ago. So presumably it has been evolving in a chronic case since then, and recently managed to transmit to other people. The latest sample is from a different province and with one added Spike mutation (K356T).
#COVID19 #BA_3
Hello, it’s the weekly #washingtonstate #kingcounty (that is, #seattle and environs) #COVID #COVID19 #wastewater toots.
A quick reminder that this King County respiratory disease data comes from Washington State, not the federal government.
Let's start with the West Point (WSPT) sewage treatment plant. Last week, the site reported the Sars-CoV2 7-day running average at 0, which was obviously some sort of error. Real data is back this week, but last week's 0 reading makes it look as if the levels went up. If you compare to the last valid reading from two weeks ago, it has actually gone down. Last data is from 3/4.
WSPT is one of three King County(-ish) sewersheds in this dataset. You can find overviews, individual sewershed results, and a breakdown of variants for the state wastewater surveillance program, along with other metrics like case counts and hospitalizations for Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses, at https://doh.wa.gov/data-and-statistical-reports/diseases-and-chronic-conditions/communicable-disease-surveillance-data/respiratory-illness-data-dashboard#WasteWater. If you go to the page and click "learn more" in the statewide view tab, you can find out lots of details about how these data are calculated and how to interpret them. The dashboard gets updated every Wednesday (generally). The WA State Department of Health is here on the fedweb, at @WADeptHealth. Give those folks a follow.
UPDATED: #BC #SARSCoV2 variants.
Only 32 samples for 2/9 - 2/15
Of those,
XEC.*: 62.5% ( 33.9%;
LP.8.1.1: 6.3% ( 15.3%;
KP.3.1.1.* (incl. MC.*, PA.1): 28.1% ( 40.7%;
https://ratnegative.tumblr.com/BCVariants #COVID19
Of the samples collected in B.C. on these weeks, the prevalence of significant variants/lineages are as follows:
- 2/2 - 2/8 - (32 samples; 4% threshold)
• XEC.* (incl. XEC.1, ".2.*, ".9): 62.5%
• JN.1.11.1.* †: 34.4%
→ LP.8.1.* (only LP.8.1.1 counted) †: 6.3%
→ KP.3.* (only KP.3.1.1.*): 28.1%
→ KP.3.1.1.* (incl. MC.10.1, ".26.1): "
† 1 LP.8.1.4 sample counted as Other
- 2/2 - 2/8 -
• XEC.* (incl. XEC.2.*): 33.9%
• JN.1.11.1.*: 59.3%
→ LP.8.1.* (only LP.8.1.1 counted) §: 15.3%
→ KP.3.* (only KP.3.1.1.*): 40.7%
→ KP.3.1.1.* (incl. MC.1.3, ".2, ".10.*, ".13, ".24, ".26.1, ".31): "
§ 1 LP.8.1.2 sample counted as KP.1.1.3.*
X.X.* in text = X.X & descendants.
X.X.* in graph = all descendants of X.X, except for ones that have their own segment of the week’s bar. Please see "Notes on Usage" section.
Video from NBC News:
Chimére L. Sweeney, director and founder of The Black Long Covid Experience, talks about living with Long Covid.
Tagging ME/CFS and POTS since many Long Covid patients have those diagnoses.
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/covid-19-doctor-opens-up-toll-stress-1.7480601 “Wong said the scars from the #COVID19 #pandemic are long-lasting for many health-care workers. He said many left their professions in Saskatchewan because of the "moral trauma, moral injury" they faced.”
Koronavirus lähti leviämään mitä todennäköisimmin laboratoriosta. Maailmanlaajuisesti yli 7 milj. kuollutta. Pistää miettimään muita salaisia biologisia aseita eri puolilla maailmaa, joita on tehty. #koronavirus #COVID19 | Saksan tiedustelupalvelu: Koronavirus karkasi wuhanilaisesta laboratoriosta