Chronic Illness can be a pain in the connective tissue
#eds #edsmemes #heds #ehlersdanlos #connectivetissue #lupus #sjogrens #mctd
A late night thought for #EhlersDanlos zebras :
Used to get #MCAS reactions a lot with certain foods and drinks (inflammatory response) which made me feel lousy and warm or even overheated all year round.
So I cut them all out. But one unexpected reaction of cutting the offending items is I now feel cold most of the time.
Night all.
Had my #EhlersDanlos evaluation yesterday! Somehow, I was expecting that it would be the first part of a much longer diagnostic journey--the paperwork, the blood draws, the follow-up appointments, all of that. But he just went through my history, asked me a bunch of questions, ran me through the Beighton test, and said, yep, you meet the criteria for hEDS
#EhlersDanlos sometimes is a real pain.
Like when my foot has its second subluxation in ten days.
Right as I’m about to stock up before the holidays and nearly everything shutting down.
Just expletive great.
Time for a pre race #flatlay before the @dorneylake duathlon tomorrow!
Checked in, kit checked, bike checked, time to relax!
Quite nervous as I'm very new to the bike and haven't been on track with my running at all this month, the goal is to go out there and try something totally new, and hopefully have a bit of fun in the process!
Most people fear signs of aging.
I never thought I would be this old, so I welcome every gray hair. (No wrinkles yet, thank you #EhlersDanlos and a bespoke endocrine system that affects collagen crosslinking…)
But the constantly lengthening recovery times do suck a bit. Oh well.
Young woman with Ehlers-Danlos discusses her experience with gastroparesis -
What made my GASTROPARESIS better?!
Took a bad spill today, thanks #EhlersDanlos.
Landed badly.
I’ve got massive bruises on my hands and knees.
And I’m laughing about it because why not.
I’m able to bear weight on my foot, which means it’s not fractured. I’ve got aspirin and pain meds. And I didn’t bleed.
But I can’t do a lot of manual work for at least a few days. And yeah, my body feels horrid even with opioids (no access to weed in the #UndisclosedLocation).
But I’ll recover. I always do.
This is a very underdiagnosrd syndrome. I think I may have a mild case. Does anyone else think they may have #EDS?
This meme was brought to you by connective tissue disorders
#connectivetissue #autoimmune #autoimmunedisorders #lupus #sle #rheumatoidarthritis #heds #eds #ehlersdanlos #mctd #uctd
On Etsy as shirts & mug [ ]
Also there is a design that says "My Immune System Got Run Over By A Reindeer"
I'd just like to be able to go about my day without having to push my thumb back into its socket every five seconds.
A slightly more bite-sized version of the studies I just shared.
First of all, it means all of us who never got a full hEDS diagnosis (or who got downgraded when the diagnostic criteria changed) probably have the exact same genetic condition.
Secondly, there’s eventually going to be able to be a TEST for this??? No more “it’s all in your head” or “it might be anxiety”
Comic by Mushroommovie. I changed the words to fit chronic illness / autoimmune issues