@xpac Proof Of Work=This is worth something because a "fuckton" of energy was spent solving high tech sudoku (and arguably also maintaining the sudoku record)
Proof Of Stake=This is worth something because I'm highly staked in getting others to believe a "fukton" of energy being spent on high tech sudoku (and/or the maintaining of said record) is worth something.
see it's that subtle difference that makes all the difference.
In one case a "fuckton" of energy was spent but the other case was totally energy efficient because one was only staked in getting others to believe that a "fukton" of energy being spent was was worth something. There was no "fukton" to be measured on the grid in getting those others to believe and so that made the system more energy efficient.
and that's it basically.
Now just wondering, how many TerraWatts does it take to make a "fukton"?