Some exciting Agtechs that are looking to transform the agriculture in the global South

Some exciting Agtechs that are looking to transform the agriculture in the global South
(#agritech) Salon de l'Agriculture : ces #startups #IA qui transforment l’agriculture
150 000 exploitations françaises devraient changer de mains dans les années à venir. Ce facteur encourage le secteur agricole à muer...
AI tool developed to predict and prevent food insecurity in Kenya #FoodInsecurity #AIforGood #SustainableAgriculture #AgriTech #CropFailure
The COP-PILOT project has officially wrapped up its kick-off meeting in Athens!
Over two productive days, the consortium partners aligned on the project’s vision, strategy, and pilots.
COP-PILOT aims to revolutionize end-to-end orchestration across service domains with a standards-aligned, market-oriented platform.
Here's to a successful journey ahead, driving innovation and sustainability!
The AgriTech Transformation and Sustainability Initiative (ATSI) Pilot is transforming agriculture with IoT, robotics, edge computing, and secure data management. Focused on precision farming, sustainable vegetable production, and optimized supply chains, ATSI boosts efficiency and sustainability.
Key innovations:Real-time crop monitoring
Autonomous AgriRobots
Smart JIT logistics
Secure data management
Shade. There is lots of land too baked by sun. A third(?) covered by overhead solar could create new crop areas. Local environments moderated by shade that provides clean useful energy.
Let's do this, massively.
AI transforming agriculture:
Fermata's Croptimus improves crop health & yield
Real-time monitoring detects pests & diseases
#AgriTech #AIInAgriculture #Fermata #Croptimus #Innovation #Sustainability #CropHealth
Fermata's $10M Series A funding:
Data science co. advancing AI-powered horticulture platform
Croptimus reduces crop loss & pesticide use
#Fermata #AgriTech #AIFarming #Horticulture #Investment #CropLoss #PesticideReduction
Discover our TUM Venture Lab Food/Agro/Biotech at the Weihenstephan Campus, which supports #startups in #agritech, #foodtech, and #biosciences with labs, funding advice, and industry links to drive sustainable innovations:
A. Eckert
Very exciting first session at
- fantastic examples of modernised sustainable cocoa farms, leaving opportunities for introduction of labour-saving mechanisation alongside supporting biodiversity; and discussion of rewarding cocoa growers for quality of product.
Por si te lo perdiste: Startups disruptivas premiadas en el AgriTech Startup Forum #Startups #AgriTech #Innovación #Emprendimiento #Premios
Startups disruptivas premiadas en el AgriTech Startup Forum #Startups #AgriTech #Innovación #Emprendimiento #TecnologíaAgrícola
Let's embrace the future of #AI together! Read this article to understand #India's role in shaping it.
A robot that feels plants to identify them. A step forward in precision agriculture and ecosystem studies
Read more....
#Klimawandel #Startup #Agritech - Regenerative #Landwirtschaft - Wie Bauern digital Ernte und Klima verbessern können - "'Die Lebensmittelindustrie ist alarmiert, fast schon in Panik', sagt Klim-CEO Gerlach. Der in Oxford promovierte Ingenieur hat das Impact-Start-up 2020 mit Nina Mannheimer und Adiv Maimon gegründet. Inzwischen beschäftigt Klim 70 Mitarbeiter. Denn die Gründer haben einen aufnahmebereiten Markt gefunden. Weil zahlreiche Agrarrohstoffe durch Missernten rar und teuer geworden sind, stellen viele Hersteller ihre Lieferkette auf regenerative Landwirtschaft um." - von Katrin Terpitz - Eventl. €
New tech in agriculture! Researchers in China have developed a robot that can identify plants by touch.
Read more....
Daniel Samuel Etukudo ( @etukudodaniel4 ) is leading the charge at
PyCon Africa 2024, showing how AI is transforming agriculture in Africa!
From predicting weather patterns to tackling pests, AI is solving the continent’s biggest farming challenges.
Day 7 -
Discover how AI and IoT are revolutionizing agriculture. Read my latest article on Medium to explore the future of farming!
#AI #IoT #Agritech #technology #data #machinelearning #tech #agricultural #india #israel #reading #trending
Link: Agriculture with AI and IoT:
Seeding Disaster
The new colonialist Food Economy leading to a Seeding Disaster
I remember alerting people when the big so-called Free Trade Agreements, such as TPP and TTIP were negociated…
It was clear that criminalizing seed sharing, to allow big seed and biotech firms from EU & US to control African agriculture, was part of the negociations. […]
#sicilia #sicily #italy #isolafelice #happyisland
#startup #investire #Europa #agrifood #ai #data #cybersecurity #turismo #mobilitàsostenibile #agritech #energiapulita #technology #sustainableliving #agribusiness #cleanenergy #digitalinnovation #Catania #CreditAgricoe #SiciliaStartup #StartupSicilia #ItalianStartups #SicilianBusiness #InvestInSicily
Dieci start up innovative pronte ad accelerare e investire in Sicilia