Migrating back here from my previous, now-defunct, account @nix@social.stlouist.com. if you know me please boost so I can reconnect with followers.
This is a good time for an #introduction I suppose.
I'm an #educator from #stl that firmly believes in decentralized self organization, such as #anarchism, #socialecology, #solarpunk, or #librarysocialism.
Also I'm a big #urbanism and #foss nerd and #ebike commuter. I'm very involved in the local #freestore and trying to help organize larger #postcapitalist ventures.
@nix@social.coop @nix@social.stlouist.com I don't know you but that's a hard follow!
@nix@social.coop @nix@social.stlouist.com if you need a server, we've got room here!
@mattyroses @nix@social.stlouist.com Thanks for the offer! I quite like social.coop actually. I was always torn between it and a local server, both are good options for different moral reasons. A library socialism server also sounds very appealing tho!