I know several #Python *frameworks* that started its life building upon existing *libraries*.
Werkzeug Flask
Starlette FastAPI
Omegaconf Hydra
Do you know of famous frameworks that *gave birth* to, or spun-off, smaller, more reusable library components?
Boosts appreciated!
@astrojuanlu Flask spawned Click (the CLI arg processing framework):
@astrojuanlu Not Python specific, but as a long time contributor to GIMP, I often have to remember that the "G" in "GTK" is for GIMP.
The original project used motif - a commercial, paid for, widget toolkit. Early contributors when the app was formally made Free Software (the "G" in GIMP stands for GNU, and originally meant "General") wrote a GUI toolkit from scratch. (+)
@astrojuanlu Sevral years later, other libraries where either factored out from GIMP, or created with GIMP in mind, but in a reusable way. From the top of my mind: "GIMP Print" later renamed to "GUTEN Print", the basis for several printer-drivers in the Unix world, and ~2006 we had Babl and GEGL for pixel and graphics manipulation.
@gwidion Of course I forgot about this story. Thanks for bringing it up!
@gwidion @astrojuanlu and and the earlier meaning of #gimp is the decorative boundaries used in upholstery, similar to the way that #GTK provides graphical decoration.
@astrojuanlu I am thinking Ruby on Rails -> ActiveRecord and quite a few similar ones.
@astrojuanlu Ah, the happy path!
Er, no. At least, I have a half idea the Django ORM came out of Django? But I don’t use Django or ORMs, so might be wrong.