We must never forget the Holocaust.
On #HolocaustRemembranceDay, we remember the six million Jewish women, men and children, hundreds of thousands of Roma, and all other victims of the Holocaust.
Today we mark the 80 years since the liberation of the Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.
It is our duty to teach future generations about European history, including its darkest chapters.
It is our duty as responsible #citizens to teach that #history rhymes and is rhyming right now. #Fascism is on the rise again. It is a #HumanRight and a duty to remember history now and weep! So that we can straighten shoulders with resolve and ensure that #Holocaust never gets a plural evil twin in #mankind's dictionary.
@smallcircles @EUCommission Too late for it not to be plural, but we can still try to stop more from being added.
We need #NuancedActivism that can pull #people gently by the shirt timely enough to bring them back into the fold of #CivilSociety where #truth and #CriticalThinking can be nurtured again.
What we have is #RepellentActivism that puts a hot iron to anyone acting suspicious, and ensures they're so hurt never to return.
Repellent #activism is loved by #extremists both on the left and right as it feeds into voracious #PuritySpirals and suck more people into deep #radicalisation.