Hi there, an #introduction on my part...
I've been spending time in the fediverse for a while now - looking forward to meeting new people on social.coop!
A few words about myself:
I work on youth organizing politics, climatejustice stuff, and co-op journalism. I make money facilitating workshops and coming up with processes around them. I get lost tinkering with thoughts, videos, text, wood and fabric. I live in a co-op with lots of different aged people and shared space.
As for my interests:
I would love to live in a world of #LibrarySocialism. I like to think that ideas of #SocialEcology , #YouthLiberation and #DisabilityJustice can help us get there. #DualPower , and stuff :)
#FreeSewing (freesewing.org) got me into sewing. With @yunohost I learn hosting. Since I met #Logseq and #Obsidian I like to take notes again...
Let me reassure you - sometimes I even do things when there is no corresponding website. Especially when nice people are around.
@findus have you seen Andrewism's video on #LibrarySocialism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOYa3YzVtyk
And I echo your hope for this kind of world
@todrobbins I have, it does such a great job at getting the imagination running!
And the guest apperance of
@srslywrong is a nice surprise :)
Hello! I'm also a dual power/social ecology, co-op, logseq, and budding yunohost enthusiast, funny enough. Found you through the SocialEcology hashtag!
@findus @yunohost thanks for the #freesewing shout-out