@pcalvin as a fellow #MenWhoSew with non-standard body proportions, I would steer you toward #FreeSewing , http://freesewing.org , where you can generate garment patterns to your own body measurements.
My first project after graduating from simple repairs was my first pair of trousers, to a FreeSewing pattern, and following a series of videos by the same project lead. Steep learning curve, but those pants are still some of the best I've made (and I've gone on to make many... "What are you making now Dad? More pants?").
I'm another cyclist - all thighs and bum, little waist - and it is revolutionary to have pants that I can get into that don't gape at the waist. My FreeSewing patterns weren't perfect and have taken some tweaking, but they fit better than anything off the hook.
Another (less ambitious) path is to start with bags and gear. https://zipworks.shinyapps.io/generator/ makes good zip pouches, and there are plenty of drawstring stuff sack tutorials to follow. Everyone needs more sacks and pouches!