@jackaponte have you used Jitsi or BigBlueButton?
@Matt_Noyes I have! Sadly all of my clients use and expect Zoom. I only use Jitsi on occasion (usually for @mayfirst meetings!) and use Signal video calls as often as possible.
@jackaponte @mayfirst So annoying. Especially with cooperatives, who are supposed to support other cooperatives...
@Matt_Noyes @mayfirst Wait, which coops do you mean? To be clear May First is super supportive and hosts a good Jitsi instance. And though cooperatives will always be near and dear to my heart, I'm not actually Palante anymore!
@jackaponte @mayfirst Sorry, I meant that I have been frustrated to see co-ops and other movement orgs stick with Zoom when there are good, open source, cooperative platforms available.
@Matt_Noyes @mayfirst Oh, now I understand! I wanted to make sure I wasn't accidentally sounding critical towards May First.
And I hear you on it being unfortunate that movement orgs stick with Zoom. I also get it though -- Zoom became ubiquitous, it's relatively cheap, and now people know how to use it and expect it as the norm, so getting them to shift now would be a real challenge. Especially because movement orgs are going to be dealing with some heavy-duty fights and repression in the coming years!
I've really gotta check out BigBlueButton at some point though. Hopefully at some point a movement-based provider will start their own instance!
@jackaponte @mayfirst meet.coop, which we are members of at social.coop
@Matt_Noyes thanks for sharing! i was trying to remember their name but...
cc @jackaponte
@Matt_Noyes @mayfirst Oh wow, I had no idea about meet.coop! I'll definitely check it out!