Y Combinator, ein im März 2005 gegründetes US-amerikanisches Gründerzentrum mit Sitz in San Francisco, Kalifornien, forderte die Trump-Regierung am Mittwoch in einem Brief auf, den europäischen Digital Markets Act (DMA) offen zu unterstützen...

Y Combinator, ein im März 2005 gegründetes US-amerikanisches Gründerzentrum mit Sitz in San Francisco, Kalifornien, forderte die Trump-Regierung am Mittwoch in einem Brief auf, den europäischen Digital Markets Act (DMA) offen zu unterstützen...
Village People Singer Shares What Trump Anthem ‘YMCA’ Is About https://www.inbella.com/906743/village-people-singer-shares-what-trump-anthem-ymca-is-about/ #CelebritiesTopics #CULTURE #DonaldTrump #DonaldTrump2020PresidentialCampaign #DonaldTrump2024PresidentialCampaign #Entertainment #HarveyLevin #JimJeffries #Liberty #MachoMan #MarkGeragos #SingParty #TheRoot #VictorWillis #VillagePeople #What? #Y.M.C.A.
Some more related #feditips !
1) Wanna find something that you reposted about soup (whether yours or someone else's?
in:library soup
2) Want to share a URL with every post that user @X tagged with #Y ?
Alas, Ben has zero posts tagged with soup , so here are all of my posts tagged with #humor
What is the most manageable way to configure VLANs on a small network (e.g. <=1 rack of servers)?
I am setting up internet-accessible mail/web servers on my home LAN with IPv4 (HAProxy/NAT) and IPv6 connectivity, and I think the easiest way will be to give them a VLAN for managing firewall rules at the internet router level.
I am leaning toward FreeBSD-based VLANS using vlan(4) because I could configure separate VLANS for separate VMs (e.g. separate rules for mail vs. web, or for different domain names, or any other reason to separate VMs on a single physical server).
However, a switch-based VLAN would be easier in some ways (just plug server into access port #x, and you are on VLAN #y).
Do you have an opinion?
APCC president found fault with Chief Minister for dismissing SCS as non-essential
#Naidu #SpecialCategoryStatus #Vision #Y.S.Sharmila #MastIndia #MastodonIndians #India @mastodonindians
Voila !
Un vieux bistro avec un plancher crado en bois qui craque, une odeur de vinasse renversée la veille .... Cf "Uranus"
Ou une version carelage comme dans "Un air de famille"
Cherchez, on se retrouvera peut-être ...
#X #Y #Z #bistro #poivreau #vraie_France
Mr. Naidu destroyed the power sector in the past, and the signing of 25-year PPAs against norms was conspicuous, says the former CM, alleging that the consumers were bearing the resultant financial burden to the tune of ₹3.500 crore every year
#Recovery #FPPCA #Y.S.Jagan #MastIndia #MastodonIndians #India @mastodonindians
Oh y'all I'm so happy* to be debugging pip install issues on a machine I can't shell into**
(*) annoyed, frustrated
(**) %%#Y*(#&@%
#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.7 occurred 50 mi NE of #Y (#Alaska) 17 min ago (local time 11:17:33). More info at:
Le #chromosome #Y évolue plus rapidement que le #X
Y combinator streeft naar meer bekendheid in washington d.c. https://www.trendingtech.news/trending-news/2024/06/16327/y-combinator-streeft-naar-meer-bekendheid-in-washington-d-c- #Y Combinator #Washington DC #Startup Accelerator #Tech Policy #Interoperabiliteit #Trending #News #Nieuws