As we begin our 22nd year,
We want to thank everyone for their business
No matter what you celebrate?
Books are always a wonderful gift
We believe everyone must always have the #FREADOM
to read
Happy #ChristmaHanuKwanzaKah
As we begin our 22nd year,
We want to thank everyone for their business
No matter what you celebrate?
Books are always a wonderful gift
We believe everyone must always have the #FREADOM
to read
Happy #ChristmaHanuKwanzaKah
Memo on School Book Bans from PEN America
Preliminary National Findings for the 2023-2024 School Year Show Dramatic Rise in Book Bans
#PENAmerica #FreedomToRead #fREADom
Have you signed the pledge to support the #FreedomToRead?
Attempts to censor books in classrooms, school libraries, and even public libraries are on the rise.
On this Day of Action against censorship, please support the Freedom to Read.
More info at
Please join me in signing the Freedom to Read Pledge.
Today is the Freedom to Read Day of Action.
Books unite. Bans divide.
Libraries (and others) across the United States are fighting censorship and book bans.
#librarians of Mastodon: do you know if anyone is tracking arrests and punishment of librarians for violating book bans? I know there are places tracking book bans, legislation, and lists of banned books but I can't seem to find a comprehensive source tracking enforcement of penalties. #library #freedomtoread #freadom #bookbans #censorship
From School Librarian to Activist: ‘The Hate Level and the Vitriol Is Unreal’
Amid a surge in book bans nationwide, the #Louisiana librarian Amanda Jones was targeted by vicious threats. So she decided to fight back. She went to court against her attackers, and then wrote a book. And, she still a #librarian.
This veep likes books! Governor Tim Walz put a Little Free Library in the Minnesota capitol.
Some of the fun and inspiring 80’s and 90’s vintage pride and intellectual freedom pins archived at
#pride #lgbtq #bookbans #freadom #canada #archives #libraries #antifascism
January 10
Some of the fun and inspiring 80’s and 90’s vintage pride and intellectual freedom pins archived at
#pride #lgbtq #bookbans #freadom #canada #archives #libraries #antifascism
Central Bucks’ New School Board President Sworn in on a Stack of Frequently Banned Books
“I’m not particularly religious. The Bible doesn’t hold significant meaning for me, and given everything that has occurred in the last couple of years, the banned books, they do mean something to me at this point,” Smith said Tuesday. She wanted to make clear “the commitment I’ve had to fighting for the books, and for our students’ freedom to read.”
Via the #SocietyOfSecretLibraryFriends
Literacy! Empathy! And other good things!
Tell @Scholastic
THIS IS BLATANT CENSORSHIP & has no place in America
"Censorship's the child of fear, the father of Ignorance & the weapon of tyrants" - Laurie Hulse Anderson
Why are you letting the tyranny of a tiny minority dictate what every child can read!
In America we do not just celebrate our Freedoms but the #FREADom to read whatever we want
Parents have the right to decide what is appropriate for their OWN children
They do NOT have the right to inflict their personal views on any school or educational system
Mr. Smith's HS class is in dire need of a set of #books incl. The Hate U Give and
There There to be read by 155 students. Donate any amount to help. #concordca #freadom
Public Libraries Need Our Help:
As reactionary forces target libraries through book bans and some politicians propose funding cuts instead of increases for libraries, it’s essential that more people become involved in their local libraries. Learn how. #libraries #FReadom
#Illinois State Librarian Alexi Giannoulias will discuss #FreedomToRead with a panel of experts on Zoom, October 2. Hosted by ~75 Illinois libraries.
#fREADom #OIF #ALA #BannedBooksWeek #FreedomToRead #libraries @librarians
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