#ThursThreads Week 652 is now LIVE. Come tie on your tale for judge Louisa Bacio and bring your best flash. What kind of tale can you tie on?
#FlashFiction #WritingCommunity #Writers #WritersCoffeeClub https://siobhanmuir.com/thursthreads-tying-tales-together-week-652
4 Horror Movies Like Heart Eyes That Have 2 Organs or Body Parts or Body Organs In The Title! (#Link Below)
#horror #horrorFam #writing #writer #writingCommunity #writers #Movies #movie #cinema #cinemastodon #Film #films #filmmastodon #horrorCommunity #horrorMovie #horrorMovies #horrorFilm #horrorFilms #horrormastodon
#article #listicle #list #read #reading #funny #humor
#PennedPossibilities 619 — What type of “accent” does your MC have? Tell us about their voice. Discuss speech patterns, vocabulary, slang, or their way of speaking, if you like.
As per her backstory, the daughter of an immigrant, she must have an accent. But she's been schooled "here" her whole life, so it would be faint. In our terms, it would be equivalent to meeting a white girl but she has a faintly Cuban accent. There is no cognate to Earthly accents to play off of, and if I mention it, it will be that her mother has the accent or someone will startle, or will suddenly be prejudiced against her when they weren't before she opened her mouth.
As per his backstory, he might have an accent but it would evidence itself as less precise English: lots of contractions, mild burrs, bad (simplified) grammar, that type of thing. A flavor of Street Talk. I think I'll skip describing it in the story because most of the story takes place at least seven years after he meets her. She's so precise about things she's almost obsessive, and she'd correct any and all lazy speech. Indeed, he's what he is, going to university instead of accepting a blue collar job, and eventually becoming an astronaut because of her attention to detail in his life. He loves pleasing her, however (and in our terms loves her), so it's his choice to change, always. Some will assert he's easily manipulated, of course, but that's another topic.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
#gender #fiction #writer #author
#mystery #thriller #romance #sf #sff #sciencefiction
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers
#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory
Gus looked down at what I spotted. "Can I eat it?" Our suspect board whittled down the list to one species. Then we deduced the culprit! https://www.catdetectivecases.com/year8-casefile44/
#cats #writers
WRITER FUEL: Near-unlimited EV range now a possibility thanks to surprising new technology — solar paint.
Are you ready for #ThursThreads tomorrow? Louisa Bacio is our judge and she's looking forward to your tales. What will your 250 words say? #FlashFiction #WritingCommunity #WritersCoffeeClub #writers
Please help support these writers if you can, ngaa mihi nui.
This campaign aims to supplement the financial cost of publishing three books by kaituhi Māori. #Māori #Kaituhi #Writers #Boosted #Aotearoa #NZ #Indigenous
In the next 12 months, Āporo Press will publish a debut full-length poetry collection from Nicola Andrews (Ngāti Pāoa), a debut novel by Laura Vincent (Ngāti Māhanga, Ngāpuhi) and a mixed poetry and photography collection by Jo Bragg (Ngāti Porou).
Coming back to #PageWeb, the A5 page #socialWeb for #writers. I hadn't finalized the name and domain, though I registered a few, and among the few I presented, "Page Web" seemed on top, but I'm not married to it. Please vote for a domain for the main site!
(note the software will be AGPL and I hope for instances with various domains, plus DNS-free possibilities)
I have a non-fiction book outlined using elements of real life from last 10ish years.
Generally - it covers the life of the main character from 1 or 2 years old, until roughly mid-30's. There are 3 or 4 key points in their life which drive the story to its end.
I stopped once I started building the end sequence - as it unintentionally mirrored current events - and I don't want to have the fiction be used as a model.
How to decide to continue?
#ScribesAndMakers 2503.19 2/2 — At what age did you start creating?
I'm being meta in this post, talking about what I thought answering this question originally. As a gender fiction writer, the response to this question fascinated me! Let me in advance apologize for going all Sherlock Holmes on you folk. Gender roles and preferences are schooled into us until they're subliminal. Authors pervert the programming to write believable characters that are both different from them and of different genders or preferences. Our writing contains subtexts and hidden confessions that come out in our essays, maybe even our fiction, that we may or may not be aware of, or, granted, may not care about.
Many of us authors in this community use pen names, as do I, or an ungendered alias online, as do I, going so far as to use a pretty picture avatar, as do I, to obfuscate our identity, or to assert a political identity instead. My avatar highlights my comedic side.
Yet, many of the answers to this question indirectly maybe inadvertently announced a gender identity (not necessarily a birth gender; that's understood). I crafted my rather typical answer to this question to answer truthfully but equivocally as to hints about my gender and gender identity.
I can remember ... playing imaginary games with my toys, making them walk, making them roll, making them fly, and sometimes tea was involved. The figurines talked and we gabbed and gossiped and discussed important life events! The vehicles made what I thought very authentic noises!! There were adventures galore!!!
Both girl words and boy words, and words that say the same thing in an ungendered fashion. Gossip and tea but also figurines, not dolls.
That said, reading the responses I realized I had incorrectly guessed the gender of many authors. Word choice counts, and it counts at many levels. May I suggest you read some of the responses again?
PS: Ask me about some of this gender role and identity stuff on Talk To Me Day, if you want. #EngenderedWriting
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool
#gender #fiction #writer #author
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers
#PennedPossibilities 618 Is your SC prone to jealousy? How might they handle any envious feelings?
Only one of them might feel jealousy, but it's for a friend, it has manifested not in terms of exclusivity but in terms of just wanting her around.