#MeerMittwoch On #SeaWednesday, here is the beautiful coastline of #GranCanaria. The coastline stretches 236 kilometres, with approximately 60 kilometres dedicated to beaches.
Pour ce #MeerMittwoch voici l'Angleterre face à nous, les falaises blanches de Douvres !
This #SeaWednesday boasts the cliffs of Dover facing the coast of France!
#Photography #ownwork #Nikon #D300
Irgendwo in Südost Asien gibt es diesen Strand...
Sean, Rancho Sausalito, 1995.
Sunset at Rancho Sausalito, 1992.
We all need some ocean waves of love. For #MeerMittwoch and every day.
I painted this in watercolor, inspired by watching Monterey Bay waves, feeling a sense of love and peace. "Ocean Waves of Love" is available in my shop.
Fine art prints https://1-elizabeth-kennen.pixels.com/featured/ocean-waves-of-love-elizabeth-kennen.html